• Onycholysis I think it's called when your nail separates and it can be caused by running in bad sneakers etc. It can also be caused by fungus which would need antifungal cream. If it's fungal, most likely yeast which is easily treated. As for the nail, you can cut it down as far as you can comfortably, without pulling up on the nail, keep it short and don't immerse it in water too often because moisture makes it worse and can even cause it in the first place. Keep trimming it short until it grows out (could be as long as 6 months). Once a nail has detached from the bed, it won't reattach so you just have to wait for the attached nail bed to grow up. I had this happen on my fingernails due to B12 deficiency but, if you're a runner, it's probably just from your shoes. Good times :)
  • If your nail is coming off and is no longer attached, it should lift off pretty easily. If it doesn't, don't force it. It takes a long time for nails to grow, so if it hasn't been weeks or months since the injury, you probably won't see any new nail growth yet. Some athletes find that after repetitive damage to their toenails, the nails simply no longer grow back. The damage is usually due to improperly fitting shoes. If it continues to be a problem you should go get fitted for running shoes at a real running shop - where they measure your feet and watch you walk/run and evaluate your stride, etc. You should also remember that shoes for walking/running need to be 1/2-1 size larger than your regular shoes as your feet will actually expand during exercise. If you are concerned about the injury to your toe, go see a doctor. They'll be able to tell you more about your specific situation than any of us can.

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