• Xanax, valium, colonopin, wellbutrin, zoloft...
  • Midol.
  • Counseling, you may very well be depressed.
  • Get a grip on your temper before you damage your relationships irreparably. Get some counseling and/or take classes in anger management and dealing with stress. Exercise more. Eat fewer processed sugary foods, too. Take time to look at your surroundings every day. Develop an appreciation for the things and people you take for granted. Try to look at the positives in every situation; don't dwell on the negatives. Your frame of mind is often a result of perception.
  • if you are on birth control or any prescriptions, you may want to look into switching. i'd talk to your doctor about that, if this is the case. also, if this isn't an every day thing, maybe you are just having some crazy hormones! if this is typical for you, you may need some professional help. i'd also look into your diet and exercise habits; those can make quite the difference. also, sleep: if i don't get enough sleep, i am pretty damn irritable. you may find that something like yoga, meditation, or journal writing to be helpful. good luck!
  • if you are on birth control or any prescriptions, you may want to look into switching. i'd talk to your doctor about that, if this is the case. also, if this isn't an every day thing, maybe you are just having some crazy hormones! if this is typical for you, you may need some professional help. i'd also look into your diet and exercise habits; those can make quite the difference. also, sleep: if i don't get enough sleep, i am pretty damn irritable. you may find that something like yoga, meditation, or journal writing to be helpful. good luck!
  • Take a look at several things~ Sleep: Are you irritable because you are tired? Anger management: Do you just need a different way to let out your anger/frustration? Counseling: To see if there is a deep seated reason for your reactions. That is just what it is, a REACTION, you definitely want to take ACTION for your behavior! It could be: -depression -bipolar disease -ADD/ADHD -a host of others but those are the main ones I see in family and friends. Health: Make sure there isn't something physical affecting your mental processes. Good luck in dealing with your irritability and finding if there is another cause rather than just by habit pushing people away. You have already done the first two steps to help yourself: realized there is a problem and taking responsibility to make it better. :)
  • 0mgggg i have tha sammeeee exact pr0blem, the smalles thing sets me 0ff n i caint c0ntr0l my self, i d0nt kn0w wha t0 d0, im 20 yrs 0ld.. leaving f0r tha army in january n i juhs g0t married this past saturday, i kn0 itz n0t the stress 0f all that because ive been like this f0r quite s0me time.. i needdddd helpppp :[ any suggesti0nz.. plzzz send it t0 mah email...

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