• This question actually shows little understanding of the Hindu religion. If you really want to begin to understand Hinduism, you cannot begin with a concept of Deity that is similar to Abrahamic monotheism. The concept does not deny the individuality of the Gods and Goddesses, either. For they are also part of the All. Deity - the All- is in everything. It is in everyone. It is in you, and it is in me. It permeates everything, which would include the idols. Idols are images of the deities which are used to make connection with them. Think of them as tuning forks or communication channels to a god or goddess, and through them, to the All in the universe. Now, this is explaining it as best I can using western terminology, and this is the best that I understand it from dating a Hindu for over a year and a half and living in India for over 7 months. (Not to mention having Hindu friends for at least a decade, and being non-Abrahamic myself).
  • Whoever wrote this before me knows what they are talking about. Any question about hinduism is difficult to sum up because there are a lot of ways of looking at things and they are still "valid." For a lot of Hindus, what may appear to be simple "idol worship" to an onlooker isn't that at all. It is difficult to explain but I recommend reading more on the subject, and if you do you will find that Hinduism, in its essence isn't really a polytheistic religion in the way the western world views polytheism.
  • Very few people are able to fully understand the concept of a being that is both nonlinear and non-corporeal ... also, very few people are able to fully understand the use of objects & symbols to focus thoughts & prayers ... It often appears that Hindus are praying to statues or symbols, in the same way it often appears that Christians are praying to a statue or symbol of some guy nailed to two pieces of wood or even praying to some statue of Mary or some saint ... but none of these are actually the case ... these objects or symbols are only supposed to assist the person to make their prayer have a proper directional focus on a God that has no physical form and lives outside of normal linear time. No one really believes that the statue is alive and listening for prayers, it just helps them aim their prayers to their God.
  • God does not have any form---this means the One who takes all the forms is beyond all the forms. Light means expression, self revealtaion. We need others for our existence and revelation. One who has expressed Oneself as every thing is the Self revaeling one, we are all revealed from this expression or light.When we know this we can really live on our own. God,Eternal Life, Prana, has materailsed in every form, to know this Hindus worship the idols. (
  • The Vedas (4 of them) very clearly focuses one's attention towards the "God who is formless" and so a true believer in vedas will never bow down before any images, idols, or dieties. The puranas and agamas, which are the stories based on Vedas (which are very much later than the vedas were formulated by saints for ordinary people to understand the "Formless God" in lay terms as the vedas were difficult to comprehend in their native tongue (you have to learn sanskrit and also under a guru). So here started the danger. Firstly, the person who was teaching, "Guru" who also formulated the stories, was revered to a higher degree and people started worshipping him instead of "Formless God". Secondly, the "Guru" told stories which were started giving forms to this "Formless God" like "philosophies in the vedanta" became "Idols" maybe they were initially told in the good intention of making people understand this "Formless God" but they all became idols in the mind of the people and they started making and worshipping those images. Thirdly, the most dangerous thing that happened was "caste society". These "Gurus" and "Godman" wanted only their relatives and community to be the upper caste and read and learn the vedas (you can even now witness that in the present day society). (Please any person of that community dont mistake me, as it has been done by your ancestors, you can always have an open mind on this thought, I think you are just a victim) They lost the essence of worshipping the "Formless God" and now not only worship idols, but also formed thousands and thousands of them and made people go ignorantly behind them than the "Formless God" Hope this gives just a very minute insight.
  • It is said that there is no reference to Idol worship in Vedas. But extensive details of performing Yagnas and Homas are described in Vedic literature. Idol worship in Temples and homes is regulated by Agamas. Nothing in Vedic scriptures prohibit persons performing pujas or idol worship. The name "Hinduism" is not a Religion like Semitic religions, it is a way of life which has absorbed many philosophies, rituals, mode of approach towards spiritual inquiry. People can follow any particular path that suit them.
  • Why should we worship any God, in the first place? Can we not live happily, even without thinking about HIM? I have not gone to any temples , nor anytime thought of HIM at all. Yet , at 77 year of age, I am healthy, wealthy and happy in all respects. Because I lived life with honesty, and without troubling anyone. Whatever responsibility I had taken up by myself, I had fulfilled them. I have contentment with what ever I have. I live this way, and die one day. I do not care for the future life, since no one knows, what he was, and what he is going to be after death. So, why one should care for Punarjanma or be afraid of Gods, if one lives in proper legal ways? If you commit mistakes in this life, you will be punished by people only, or the Govt.or organisations which have authority to do so. Then why think of next Janma, now? Think of this Janma now, and behave in such a way, that you are liked by everyone and that you are not punished or fined by anyone for any reason. This way, you need even think of God. V.R.Rao. For more details, contact
  • Why should we worship any God, in the first place? Can we not live happily, even without thinking about HIM? I have not gone to any temples , nor anytime thought of HIM at all. Yet , at 77 year of age, I am healthy, wealthy and happy in all respects. Because I lived life with honesty, and without troubling anyone. Whatever responsibility I had taken up by myself, I had fulfilled them. I have contentment with what ever I have. I live this way, and die one day. I do not care for the future life, since no one knows, what he was, and what he is going to be after death. So, why one should care for Punarjanma or be afraid of Gods, if one lives in proper legal ways? If you commit mistakes in this life, you will be punished by people only, or the Govt.or organisations which have authority to do so. Then why think of next Janma, now? Think of this Janma now, and behave in such a way, that you are liked by everyone and that you are not punished or fined by anyone for any reason. This way, you need not even think of God at all for ever.. V.R.Rao. For more details, contact
  • Because simple people with limited imagination need images to busy themsleves in some sort of ritual. It is all an unnecessary waste of time, life and resources.All Karma-Kanda....

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