• I think both people should be involved in handling the finances...but i see nothing wrong with the person that is better at it taking charge...and involving their partner.
  • Both together plus it promotes communication =)
  • Ideally both should but many times this is not the case.
  • Good question, I think both should be aware of their families financial state. I had a friend whose wife handled all the finances, she stopped paying the mortage for about six months without his knowledge. Almost lost their house. She was diagnosed as being severely depressed and she didn't feel like paying the larger bills.
  • The marriage is a joint venture. The finances should be, too.
  • Both should handle the finances, with my and my husband I pay the utilities and my husband pays the taxes and insurance on the house. Plus he pays for the groceries and other things when we go shopping and he pays for the gas in the car.
  • I firmly believe that both partners should maintain their own accounts as well as have a joint account where they contribute what they can for household and other mutual expenses. Partners should have financial autonomy.
  • I think both should know how they are always doing finacially. But there should only be one check writer and it is there job that bills aren't paid twice and others none at all
  • I think it is easier for one person to handle the finances. Two makes a mess of things. That does not mean that BOTH are not equally aware of what is being paid out and to whom.. but one hand in the finances works best that I have seen. My parents did the same thing. Dad had money in his wallet for whatever he needed and the rest went into the bank for mom to pay bills with. Never saw it fail once
  • I think it depends on each persons strengths. My husband and I each did what we were best at. I was better at looking after the money although he was not bad he did not want the bother, He found other things more interesting than the monthly bills, like an extra round of golf with me left at home.:)
  • I think that the person who runs the house would be the logical one to handle the money matters ...
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth in my opinion, i think one will always be more organised when it comes to bill paying, also its a hassle so if one would rather take the responsibility...let them! :)
  • It's ok for one person to handle the money but I think decisions regarding how the income is spent should be made by both parties and not just the one who handles the finances. Especially if only one person is bringing in the income.
  • The one that's better in math.
  • When I got married 5 years ago I informed my wife that her mother will need to stop balancing the checkbook.
  • I took care of it for many years and now hubby is having fun with it. So many payments are done automatically now that it's just a matter of keeping an eye on things every now and then.
  • I think it needs to be mutual so there are no surprises or hurt feelings. However only one should be in charge of paying the bills because if the two of you are doing it things could get messed up real easy. They way we did it was I paid all of my bills plus anything I could cover with what was left over since I made less. He handled the monthly expenses that never changed like the rent and utilities plus his bills. Since he was so bad at remembering what needed paid and he didn't have a checking account he deposited it to my account and I paid it all from my checking account on line.
  • I believe it is a subject that both should place a lot of consideration into before marriage.......M.C.S.
  • This was another one of life's lessons I had to learn the hard way. I thought it had to be equal management in the beginning. When I wised up I discovered if I let my husband handle the finances (he always told me what was going on and where everything was) and (gasp from my feminist friends)I took an allowance that he was far more generous to me than I ever was to myself. We had far fewer arguments and we had more money.
  • Sometimes, such as being in the military, it is necessary for only one to handle the finances. However, if it isn't actually necessary, I have found that it is better for both to be involved. That way, one person doesn't feel that they "always have to take care of everything". My wife always took care of paying all the bills, especially when I was deployed for six months at a time, but when I was home, I took an interest in it. That let her know that what she did mattered, and that I appreciated her efforts. It also avoided putting her in a position of not wanting to tell me 'no' when I wanted money that we really didn't have.
  • If one person is definitely better at handling the money than the other, then it should be the job of that person. However, both should have the knowledge of how to handle the finances and the major decisions should be made jointly.
  • I believe both should be involved
  • Depends, are both working? is one making a crap load more then the other? I think with women working it should be equal i feel good helping pay bills or taking him out to dinner. I feel independant and strong but most of all equal. Stay at home mothers dont get paid and have the job of taking care of kids those women should not have to handle finances. My opinion anyway. Niecy
  • marriage is a joint contaract and both of you should involve not only finance but everything.
  • marriage is bout equal opp.
  • I think in an ideal world (and maybe people do this) both should share the financial obligations. However, my husband and I have tried that and it does not work. I pay the bills, I do the banking, I decide what we can and cannot afford and it is so stressful! It's just stressful.
  • both, so if something goes south, no finger pointing.
  • BOTH!!!!!!!!!!
  • Both, because if something happens to the other person then the one left needs to know what's going on and how to take care of things!
  • It should be a joint effort with both people having input but 1 person making the decisions except for large purchases.
  • I think that both should be involved but the better of the two should handled it but keep it up for discussion at all times so both parties can be aware of the finances
  • i think both should, i deal with it all but thats purely because he works longer hours than i and would never get the chancem, however i often wish it was not all on my shoulders
  • Whatever works. The one with the best ability to save and budget is usually the best one to put in charge of the dollars. Some people don't want the hassle. So again, I say whatever works.
  • Whatever the couple freely and respectfully negotiates and mutually consents to doing. Personally, having one person handle all the finances isn't something I would agree to in my relationships, let alone marriage.
  • I think both should be involved in finances. That is one of the main causes of divorce. Finances need to be talked about and agreed upon.
  • This is something the two people involved should work out BEFORE getting married. Money issues are the number one cause of divorce did you know that? I have seen it work both ways, I have seen the husband handle all the finances for the household, and I have seen the wife handle them all. I have also seen both share the responsibility equally, and all three situations work for THAT couple. In my own marriage, my husband pays all the bills, because he makes way more money than I do. But that's not to say I don't contribute at all. My money buys gas for the cars, cigarettes, the small things we need. But I couldn't pay even the electric bill with two of my paychecks, as I only make 6 bucks an hour. I think as long as both people feel that their partner is contributing, and nobody feels taken advantage of, then that couple will be healthier in their relationship and won't squabble over money.
  • One person should be in main charge of balancing and keeping track but the other person needs to be aware and help if it's needed especially when making big decisions.
  • I think that both should handle the finances b/c what if the spouse that takes care of the finances dies and the other does not know how to handle them. They would be in a world of trouble.
  • I think that this is a decision that each married couple should come up with on their own. In the end, it is their business anyway.
  • I think it's completely fine for both people to handle the finances, although I do believe the man is the head of the household and should be the main one making provisions for his family!
  • Seeing that both people have bills that need to be paid, thenIfeel both people should handle the finances. One person could be incharge of certainparts, while the other could be in charge of the rest.
  • I think both
  • Still trying to figure this one out. Currently, I handle the finances and keep my wife informed of our status. But then we get these awkward situations where she is asking if she can buy something. That makes me feel like a parent, not a spouse. So I'm working on making it more of a joint venture.
  • Here in Yemen, we make wives as queens, if they do not like to work, they stay and do home' works and care for children. with all best wishs.
  • There will always be one Capitan in a ship. So certainly one person should be the boss.
  • I think one person should handle the finances. It workes out best that way in my house hold. Seems there is always one person more frugal than the other.
  • Both. So that both will know what is going on.
  • when my wife and I first got married I handled all the finances. after the first year she asked me to teach her how and she has been doing it ever since. i bring home my check and she keeps me up to date. Theres no problem and it was a big headache off of me.
  • They each have to talk about it at least. I think if only one is writing checks, it's easier.
  • couples should evaluate their strength and weaknesses that way they can complement each other.The better of the two should be responsible for finances. I know that some women are good with the tiny details,some men are generally great with the Bigger picture.There should be a financial involvement for both to know their financial situations,In the event they have to make changes in their income and expenditure.
  • As it stands in my house, we both work, he makes like 4 times what I do and he pays his CC's and utilities and the mortgage, and I pay my car payment, groceries and daycare with nothing left to spare... I hate it and think it sucks to have to borrow money from him to pay for kids stuff or whatever...
  • In my experience I think it's perfectly okay for one person to be in charge of the money (as long as that same spouse is honest and keeps the other up to speed about the current financial situation). However, it is very important for the other spouse to be able to take over the finances just in case anything happens to the spouse that is in charge. For example if Spouse A passes away and then Spouse B has no idea about the finances, it saves the headache of Spouse B having to look for tax records and extra checks, etc... I think it's easier if one is in charge. I also think it is definitely unhealthy for a marriage to have to separate bank accounts.
  • depends. if both want to handle it then both should. in my case my s/o likes to control the money, he's good at he handles it.
  • I think that it is a personal choice in every family. In my family, I have very little to do with that. If I need anything other than what I can afford with my money I tell him how much and he gets it. He pays all the bills. I hate paperwork and he doesn't mind.
  • Both! If something happened to one of them, what then? I've seen this happen, be wise, know what's going on. If you need to learn, please, learn. He is still teaching us!!!!!!!!!Helping us, with his wisdom.
  • I say both that way both always know what is going on with the money!!!
  • Whom ever is better saving the money.
  • It should be both. I am in a situation where I left all the financial side of things to my husband, I have since found out that he has been late paying the mortgage, he has lied about it all, he also ran up £3000 worth of debt on his Visa and hid all the bills. So I think both should handle the finances that way you will be able to where all the money is going.
  • i feel both people should work out the finances together. Sometimes one person is better at handling money and voluntarily gives the other person sole control of the finances, but if this is not the case, i feel the responsibility should be shared. Big financial decisions should be made together, not unilaterally. Communication is key!Also, it is possible for one person to feel like they are being controlled by the other if they are not involved in the financail management/decision making which can end up causing resentment in the long run.
  • I think it depends on the couple and what they want.
  • who ever is bestat it. however both should be aware of what is going on. I do the finances, but i keep my husband involved and informed.
  • I believe both should. Leaving the other in the dark about anything is asking for problems.
  • Yes, I do. Usually one person is better at finances or you could take turns and see who is better suited to the task. Or what we do is split the bills, one person, takes care of the groceries, mortgage, etc. and the other handles all the utilities, car stuff and house repairs. It is easy to divide it down the middle.
  • I told my husband when we first got engaged, "I'll only marry you if YOU handle all the money. The only number I want to hear is how much I'm allowed to spend." I am HORRIBLE with numbers... it doesn't matter how hard I tried, but from 18 (when I got my first job) to 21 (when we married) my checkbook and bank account NEVER matched. It works for us. Especially now, since I'm doing the housewife thing, and he's doing the breadwinner thing. I have a checkbook and debit card for our joint account, and I just ask him at the beginning of the week what my "allowance" is. That's for groceries and any little things I might need around the house. Then, it's a nice treat when he hands me the keys and says "Go shopping, buy yourself something. We're ahead this week." I would never be able to buy things for myself if I were handling the money. Seriously.
  • My husband knows what money comes in and out of the house. He knows what bills are due and when, he knows what is spent on groceries and other household items, he knows what is spent on the kids, and he knows what is spent on incidental things like birthday presents for friends and family. He knows about everything, but I actually pay the bills and buy most of the items we use. He is just not very good at making sure bills get paid on time, but I am a bit anal about it.
  • A marriage is a 50/50 partnership so things like finances should be shared, but sometimes one partner is better than another with finance, in that case its better to leave that person to handle the finances.
  • From experience I feel that when two people handle the finances it can easily be messed up. One person will think they have more than they do, because the other spends and forgets to subtract. I am better at math than my wife, but she makes the better person for handling our finances because she is so much more organized with it all. She has a monthly planner for when each bill gets paid and how much it is. I handled the finances for our first 6 years of marriage until i was deployed to Iraq and then she was forced to take over. She didn't miss a beat(okay maybe one)and re-organized it all. All I do now is ask to be kept in the loop as far as what we have and what we can afford. It's worked out great for us ever since.
  • Both should be involved and even if one is more astute at it the other NEEDS to know. Too often when one handles things, if they pass first, the other one is left not knowing!
  • One person should actually balance the books and pay the bills but both should be involved in the decisions about purchases, retirement scope and saving's efforts. And neither individual should make large purchases without the mutual consent of the other. Set a limit on personal spending allowable without consultation of the other individual. (mad money is a necessity to relationship sanity in my opinion) and that will vary depending on your income, but all things work better when done in unity of the relationship. Then Doctor
  • Both people should be aware of all the finances, though one person may be assigned the duty of tracking numbers, collecting information and expenses. Dealing with money is just a part of a successful union. I can recommend this: It's about all the secret equations that make a marriage work or doom one. Good luck.
  • I think I typed that article in wrong--sorry. It's Good luck on your math!
  • both people must handle the finances then only,its helpful,i think................
  • in marriage both person should handle the finances i think it is fear that way.
  • When I first got married I handled all the finances and then I thought what if something happened to me; would my husband know what to do? So, now we both handle the finances. Yes, both people should handle them.
  • both. incase one person is a big spender and your balance is running low, it is best to know what your limits are.
  • i say both, because your married. you both take control over your marrige.
  • I think the one that is better at money should handle the finances, but at the same time keeping the other person aware of what is being done with the finances.
  • Whatever works best. In my family, we have divided the responsibility, with me paying the mortgage and my husband paying electric, cellphones, water, car insurance, and my son paying internet and cable from his disability income. It works out quite well this way, in that no one feels too put out with having to do it all. We share pretty equally in buying groceries.
  • In our marriage, both. I actually take care of paying the bills because I like for it to be organized but together we set short and long term goals for our finance. Plus, it is always good have each other to keep an eye on our spending habits. I suggest investing in a money software program like Quicken or Money and download account information from your online banking. You can flag each transaction to set categories so you can see exactly were you money goes each month. It is a little time consuming to set up at first but it pays off in the end. It also makes tax prep a breeze. Lastly, when the battle over "luxury" spending begins, always try to agree to let the other person know what your "needs" are before you splurge so there are no surprises just in case you forgot the car insurance was due the next day. I have heard of couples having seperate checking accounts for this and putting equal amounts into the accounts for the "fun" expenses. Just remember when you work as a team player everyone succeeds. Good luck!!!!
  • I think one person should earn it and the other spend it! lol - JUST JOKING I think ONE person really should handle the running of the household finances as its really confusing and frustrating when there are two people doing different things.
  • My Boo can have that headache
  • In our marriage, my wife has over 10,000 in credit cards. Our bank account has been over multiple times which is a 29.00 fee for each over draft. Since I have taken over our account, we have hundreds of dollars extra each month.
  • I think whichever partner is best equipped to handle them, and most responsible. In an ideal marriage, both partners are capable and willing, and have the same ideas about how money should be spent. I think it is important not to give all the control to one person -that can be dangerous if they don't have your own best interest at heart, or have a spending problem.
  • Def both!!! Teamwork all the way!!
  • The one that does the best job..I think both should know what is going on and nothing should be hidden..but if you can't balance a checkbook and don't remember to pay the bills, you have no business handling the family finances! :)
  • It probably works best if one person does the actual bill paying etc, but both provide input into how money is spent, invested etc.
  • it will work if both of them are handling the finances, because both of them can monitor where the money goes.
  • I agree, in profession I am in I handle the finances for half of the time and my wife handles them when I am gone. At first I was kind of scared, however after doing this for 10 years lol, I have grow great respect for my wife. You don't know how much love for someone you have tell you have to sign over a power of attorney, My wife is my superwomen, everything I can handle she can as well, As long you two people commutate handling finances work. I think trust is the harder issue.
  • Both. If only one person knows what's going on, what happens if they die or are in the hospital for some time? Both people have to know what is going on.
  • My husband works and I stay home with the kids, he puts the check in the bank and I make sure all the bills are paid. If I have a problem or a question or if something is gonna be late, I tell him about it but if not, I just do it myself...One less worry off of his mind! ☺
  • Every case is different. in my case i handel the money. My husban likes to spend and for the moment we need to wafe. however, both need to be aware of the money.
  • I think its better for one person.
  • Both! And the reason why, is that your a team making a living together.
  • I would say that first, if one or the other is better at handling the family finances, that they should handle the finances-as far as making sure they get paid. However, from personal experience, this does not mean that one person should fork out all the money for the finances. (Unless of course, there is only one working and that arrangement seems to be working out.)Now, my experience has been that I have always been the major income source, and gradually all the finances have trickled over into dipping out of my check. This has sometimes led to issues as it is assumed MOM always has money even though I have had my electric disconnected, insurance cancelled, e.t.c. from not being able to stretch that dollar far enough. My husband has turned a deaf ear on the words "I don't have the money" until something major happens, then it's always "well why didn't you do something before now?" So, I guess word of advice is if at all possible, make it a firm habit to SHARE the finances if possible.
  • We split the income he brings in. He takes care of the bills and gives me an allowance that I spend for food, household items, kid stuff and gas for the car I drive. It has worked out beautifully for 15+ years. If I have any left over, I save it during the year and surprise him with a Fabulous Christmas gift or trip.
  • One person should handle the finances but the other person should be in the loop and kept informed. You can't have two handls in the cooky jar at the same time, it just doesn't work.
  • I think both of them have to take care of finances. This is because in our family I do them and I would like my hus to know how we stand, not to ask me if we can afford something. I find not knowing what's in your accounts irresponsable. Do you?

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