• Answering my own question Rotate a video file (.AVI) 90 degrees When I was in New York City, I used my camera to shoot a small footage. But the video file turned out to be in the landscape mode, so I did a little research on how to rotate the video file by an angle, say 90 degrees clockwise. * The first thing you can try is the Windows Movie Maker in the accessories. Import the video file into the storyboard and right click to choose the “video effects”. Add “rotate 90″ to the effect, and then you can export the movie to a WMV file. The good thing here is that you don’t need to download anything, since Windows Movie Maker comes with Windows XP. * The other solution is that you can download a software called virtualdub. Open the video file in virtualdub, and make sure in the “video” menu you are in the “full processing mode”. Now choose “add filters” and find the “rotate” filter. After the rotate filter, don’t forget to add a “resize” filter. If your original movie is 640×480, you should set the resize filter to 480×640. --source

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