• High pitched sound... like a squeal of tires kind of noise? If so it is a loose belt - lose fan belt, loose power steering belt. The belts tend to stretch out over time and loosen, the turning engine "slips" the belt upon acceleration of the engine. Starting up goes from a dead stop to fast running - leading to more slippage. There are other possibilities - I can't list them here - the number one cause would be the belt. Radio and static - friction of a rubber belt slipping over metal can produce static electricity. Check the tightness of the belts or have them checked (best to have them changed out if you haven't done so for a few years) and see if that takes care of the radio. BTW you should turn off your radio system before you turn off the car, and turn it on after you start the car - most fuses are blown upon start up of a car there is a minor surge at start up on the alternator. It is even possible to blow a radio system.

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