• Yes I have. It is very sad. They are saying it is the work of terrorists, which is even more sad. Terrorists need to stop killing innocent people. This is such a tragedy.
  • We've been talking about it for a few hours; I'll come back in a sec with the link. here it is: (although the jerk that posted it put it in terrorism.)
  • Yes. It's horrible. This was probably due to years of neglect, but as I understand, the bridge was under construction.
  • I've been watching it on TV all day, it's on all the news channels.
  • I have been glued to the tv since its happened. I feel for the kids that were on the bus who will have nightmares for a very long time...just horrible.
  • Yes, I was stunned when I heard it. I feel so bad for those involved and their families.
  • I am praying for all of the families and friends. They need our prayer more than ever right now.
  • Yes, I hope no more there are no more then the 7 who did die. And the ones who survived should as soon as they can tell their family and friends how much they love them. Cause you never when an accident is going to happen.
  • I live about 15 miles from the site of the collapse - I am having a week of nightmares and hell. My friend's mother and brother have been missing for over 2 days now. I am so numb, it seems so unreal. It feels like it's a dream/nightmare. She has been staying at the hotel that the police set up for family members of the possible victims. She has not heard anything in over two days. I am trying my best to stay strong for her - but as time goes on and there is still no contact it's getting harder to keep my composure. Maybe I shouldn't be writing this but I feel so much sorrow right now. I want to help, but I can't bring myself to go to the wreckage. There is no way that my friends mother would go this long without any contact - I am starting to let the dreadful thoughts start to creep into my head. I have never in my life felt such despair.
  • God.Let the death toll not rise any further.
  • never did they say that it was work of terrorist, they knew that it was just the bridges old age, structure, and weakness almost right away. it was a very sad thing that happened. i live right by it, now theres a beautiful bridge that they finished and i actually row on the river right below it. RIP all who were lost!

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