• I don't know, but I am becoming a little weary of your seemingly polite Christian bashing, borasalama. If you want cultural imperialism, look at modern Wahhabist Islam. ALl over the world, the beautiful national costumes of countries are disappearing to be replaced by black and brown burqas, and regional languages are being replaced by Arabic. In fact, this has always been the case. Ask the Berber people, and the other peoples of the north half of Africa, who still protest Arabisation and the sublimation of their native languages and cultures. And if we are going to talk of land deprivation, let us ask the Copts of Egypt and surrounding, who owned their lands before the ARab Invasions. They are horribly persecuted in a land their ancestors have occupied since the time of the Pharaohs. And yet we see the Arabs of Egypt talking of "their heritage". It is not theirs....not by blood, only by conquest. Let us talk of Spain, where the Berbers and Arabs held the Iberian Peninsula for several hundred years. Yes, they may have built brilliant buildings, and backed scientific and literary advances, but they were occupiers. As they were in Sicily before they were expelled in the 1000s, and as they were in Malta. The local peoples did not want to become Muslims. They wanted to rule themselves. Let us talk of the entire Greek speaking population of modern Turkey, expelled after 2, 500 years of living in Asia Minor, and "repatriated" to a land they had never seen. Let us talk of the invasion of Cyprus, during which Greek women had their nipples cut off so that they could not breastfeed (I have met them). What did the Cypriots do to deserve that? They lived in their own land. Let us talk of the Persians, whose beautiful and long living Zoroastrian culture was extinguished by Islam, and whose peoples who refused to submit have been persecuted ever since, but still hold on tenuously. You make a slight at the western world and its imperialism, and slavery. Yes, the western world did engage in slavery for several hundred years from the 16th century to the end of the 18th, and that is to our shame, but it was not favoured by the strong and most faithful Christians. It was they who fought valiantly against it, people like William Wilberforce, John Wesley ended the slave trade once and for all. But what of Islam? The Quran has a reasonable attitude to slaves, but nevertheless legitimises slavery. As a result, from the beginning of Islam to the present day, Muslim nations have take slaves from the East coast of Africa. And it is still happening in North Africa, sanctioned by Muslim governments. And even the labor laws of the most central of all Islamic states, Saudi Arabia, give few rights to foreign workers, treating them likes slaves. When I travel to Indonesia, there are always newspaper reports of girls being brought home from Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East, where they have been abused and raped. Nothing is done to stop this. They are treated like slaves, no matter that they are free people. I would ask you with all respect borasalama, to look at your own religion before you continue trying to fling mud onto another person's.
  • Robert Mugabe frequently linked Christian churches to the white "enemy." ("[When they] came to our land, they brought us the Bible and they taught us to pray. When we opened our eyes, we had the Bible and they had the land.")
  • The White man had the Bible. The Black man had the Land. Their quote is not from an American Indian Chief, but actually appeared in a movie about African Americans, one of whom said: "When the white man came to Africa, the white man had the Bible and the black man had the land. When the black man left Africa (in chains), the black man had the Bible and the white man had the land." Remember what Jumo Kenyatta, the founding father of Kenya, had to say of the African experience vis-a-vis colonization of their land: "When the missionaries came to Africa we had land; they had the Bible. They asked us to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them they had our land; we had the Bible." “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.” - Bishop Desmond Tutu (African Spiritual leader and Novelist)
  • nobody its a fable handed down father to son

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