• She may feel like she doesn't trust you right now. It will take time, but if you respect her boundaries, over time, she'll probably open up again. Just be patient and don't try to force it. That will just make it even more awkward. Good luck!
  • That is probably the reason. For right now just give her space. Don't really call or contact her and if you run into her in person just say hi and ask how she's doing but don't dwell on it to much. When she's had enough space she'll be ready to contact you again.
  • you shouldn't have been flirthing with your friend's girlfriend to begin with. Sound's like she's every reason to be annoyed with you...
  • Let it go, she needs her space. In the meantime, don't be such a loser and keep your hands off the property. put the shoe on the other foot, and see how you would feel if she was pawing over one of your friends.

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