• The video depicted a black man (played by actor Leon) who comes to the aid of a white woman being raped by white men and he is falsely arrested for the crime. Madonna, playing the role of a girl who has witnessed the crime, after going to pray to a local church, decides to testify in his favor and secures his release. It attracted criticism for its subplot of Madonna making love to Saint Martin de Porres, its use of Catholic iconography, including a scene where Madonna develops stigmata, and cross burning imagery, but also garnered praise for its interpretation on discrimination, rape, and faith.
  • The video depicted a black man (played by actor Leon) who comes to the aid of a white woman being raped by white men and he is falsely arrested for the crime. Madonna, playing the role of a girl who has witnessed the crime, after going to pray to a local church, decides to testify in his favor and secures his release. It attracted criticism for its subplot of Madonna making love to Saint Martin de Porres, its use of Catholic iconography, including a scene where Madonna develops stigmata, and cross burning imagery, but also garnered praise for its interpretation on discrimination, rape, and faith.
  • It is REALLY about Madonna giving a black preist a blowjob. You really couldn't notice that when it said "I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there." In other words she is sucking his dick, and she wants him to get an orgasm
  • It's a pop song with a pop icon singing. It doesn't have to be deep. It's just a way to get your cash, not Dostoevsky.
  • About being a virgin and getting it on for the very first time

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