• All I can say is ouch; that s*** hurts. Very offensive : /
  • Is this with a person of the same sex or opposite. It sounds like veiled prostitution to me.
  • How,may I ask,does this pertain in any way to the game of pool,which I believe is our subject? Are there no moderators?
  • Assuming "make-out" means "have sex", and making-out is formoney, then this falls withgin the definition of prostitution. You know the story, the woman would go to bed with the man for 1 million dollars, but when asked if she would do it for $2 she refuses saying "What do you think I am?" His response; "We've already established what you are, we're only haggling over the price."
  • Simple I would not care because they will lose. Wont kiss anyone but my wife. Just something I decided when I was young.
  • That would depend on whether he looked like George Clooney or George Washington.
  • Given that I'm 33 and married for over a decade, I don't find it offensive at all, but rather humorous. Now if I had a daughter in her teenage years, and it was in relation to her, I wouldn't find it funny at all.
  • That has never happened to me but I would find it very offensive.
  • That's not a dare that's prostitution and I would be very offended.
  • Not at all! Your hooking up with someone out of your league. Thats awesome, even if they don't like it doesn't meen you shouldn't, enjoy every moment of it.
  • Very, very offensive.
  • not nice very offensive
  • Sadly, I've had this happen to me, and yeah, it hurts like a bitch...I don't have an overly large ego to begin with (despite the name).
  • considering the fight i would put up, they better get some money out of it at least. no one volunteers for a black eye.
  • That happened once, minus the money. My sister got her friend, behind my back, to ask me out in the 7th grade. I liked him and I didn't know it was dare/favor/type thing, but I found out later that day. I felt horrible because he was so ready to be done with it. It's like someone is saying "You're not good enough to get someone on your own, so what I'm gonna do is pay someone to pretend they like you." Ouch. Someone get me a sword and I'll perform the Hari Kari myself, thanks. Just take the one that's in my back. That'll do nicely.
  • Guys & fat / ugly / old chicks need not apply = no longer offensive.
  • Initially I would be offended because I would assume that meant people thought the idea of making out with me was just objectionable. IF that were the case, Id be pissed off, but oddly I think Ill be able to see some kind of humor in it... like that's just so sad, Im just so sad... But if the challenge was because ppl knew I was simply hard-to-get and they wanted the guy (or girl) to crack my defenses, I wouldnt be the least bit offended. I have to know exactly why something was done before Id allow myself to feel the full extent of whatever
  • That would be the last time , because I'd be gone

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