• Once upon a time! Gets me every time
  • It was a hot, steamy, summers day..........this always seem to be a good first liner for a HOT ROMANTIC NOVEL
  • It was a dark and stormy night.....
  • In a galaxy far, far away ...
  • The body laid motionless on the cold gravel, the warm blood slowly seeped through the torn jacket and lapped my outstretched hand. (just a little something off the top of my head)
  • My fav: "We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold." It's great to start right smack in the middle of something, then piece together the back story slowly.
  • "They came by night." It's simple, mysterious, and quite intriguing.
  • It was raining in the City by The Bay. A hard rain...hard enough to wash the scum....
  • Chapter 1
  • "Call me Ishmael."
  • As the tall, rugged stranger walked into the bar, all eyes were on him.
  • "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." 1984 by George Orwell
  • What is reality? What does it mean to be human in a digital, mechanized world? Where, if anywhere, does one draw a line between the value of real and artificial life? (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick)
  • The bullet's trajectory carried it past sights better seen at a slower pace... OR Unconsciously I let my foot rest on the gas pedal, propelling the contraption forward at a pace slightly faster than a desperate man can run. OR Introductions are usually interesting, thought Jeremy, but taking thirty minutes to explain the workings of a wristwatch is a bit tedious. OR On Wednesdays, Martha customarily walked her poodle around the park, stopping at the ice cream parlor and treating both of them to a single scoop of icecream, vanilla for Heidi, chocolate for herself. OR Running frantically, Ellrod could not block out the sounds of the huge animal that was rapidly gaining on him. OR The control wheel came off in his hands, the bolts obviously removed, and he stared in horror as the plane turned its nose downward and quickly accelerated. OR Into every life must come some quantity of sadness, but this was too much, thought Finnerty. OR Nowhere could Albert find the knife he knew was kept in the center desk drawer, but he did find the key to the safe and decided to content himself with the millons he found there. I'm exhausted.
  • "We come in peace!" or "We stood still watching in horror, everyone was petrified, for there lay Jerin...with icing all over his face and my birthday cake was missing too..."

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