• Ancient Egyptian jewelry came from a desire to honor the gods. It was created from materials both common and scarce. Moreover, Egyptians invented glassmaking to enhance their jewelry.

    For Everybody

    Men as well as women wore jewelry. It was highly stylized, detailed and worn by everyone, regardless of class status.

    Jewelry Styles

    Egyptians wore thick necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings not unlike what we wear today. They also had "pectorals," suspended from the neck by a chain with a wide breastplate. They wore headdresses with dangling precious stones and beads to form an outer wig.

    Composition and Supplies

    Gold jewelry was the most popular, as a symbol of the sun god. A variety of materials was used, from amethyst and onyx to lapis lazuli and turquoise. Supplies weren't limited to the area; some were imported from Mesopotamia and other parts of Africa. The Egyptians also created glass beads.


    The subject of the jewelry was very symbolic. Egyptians wore scarab beetles to symbolize the afterlife, and depicted their favorite god on breastplates. Certain stones were associated with different gods and goddesses.

    Fun Fact

    A pharaoh's jewelry was buried with him in his monuments. The pyramid holding the remains of Tutankhamen included a huge collection of fine jewelry for his use in the afterlife.


    The History of Jewelry: Ancient Egypt

    Gem Archeology

    More Information:

    Ancient Egypt

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