• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Lighter Strings Have Less Tension

    Richard Chapman, author of numerous guitar books, points out that the lighter the gauge of the strings, the less tension they have. This means you don't have to press down as hard to get sound out of lighter strings, which makes it easier to play without acquiring blisters and calluses.

    On the Other: Heavier Strings Build Calluses

    Medium- and heavy-gauge strings require more effort from your fingering, ultimately creating a more resonant tone. While this might hurt--and require briefer sessions--in the short term, it will quickly build up calluses on your fingertips, making it easier to play with strings of any gauge as you begin to do so more regularly.

    Bottom Line

    Lighter strings are undoubtedly easier on your fingers than medium-gauge strings at first, but heavier strings prepare your fingers for more rigorous play in the future. If you play guitar only occasionally, choosing lighter strings will keep your fingers from hurting as much.


    "The Complete Guitarist;" Richard Chapman; 1994

    "The Ultimate Guitar Book;" Tony Bacon; 1997

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