• If you're looking to make your mortgage payments more affordable, two options are a loan refinance or a loan modification. Both allow homeowners to renegotiate their mortgage terms in different ways.


    Refinancing allows homeowners who are current on their mortgages to negotiate better loan terms and possibly take equity out of their homes. Loan modification is designed to help troubled homeowners avoid foreclosure by restructuring the terms of their mortgages.


    When refinancing, you pay off your old mortgage with a new loan through the bank of your choice. With loan modification, you work directly with the lender to renegotiate the terms of your existing mortgage.


    Aside from being current on the loan, refinancing requires good credit and some equity in the home. Loan modification is for homeowners who have a demonstrable financial hardship and possibly owe more on their homes than they are worth.


    Both refinancing and modification allow homeowners to gain more favorable mortgage terms and, in the case of loan modification, possibly avoid foreclosure.


    Refinancing usually requires that you pay closing costs and other fees. Loan modification programs require that you make three trial payments before your modification is approved, and not everyone will qualify.

    Source: Consumer Information on Mortgage Modification

    More Information:

    Bankrate: Mortgage Rates

    Lending Tree

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