• An urban legend suggests that three items are hidden in the finial, or truck, at the top of a flag pole. Among the items often claimed to be inside the ball are a razor, a lighter and a flare--or other survival goods.


    The ball's three survival items are said to be placed there for the country's last soldier to use in efforts to protect the flag. During invasion, the soldier would hypothetically ascend the flag pole to retrieve the items and use them to ward off the enemy.


    Since its origin, the flag pole myth has adopted different sets of items supposedly found in the ball. Other items said to be found include a bullet for shooting at the enemy, a match to light the flag on fire in the event of enemy capture and a razor blade to cut the flag down.


    The ball at the top of the flag pole is called the "finial." However, the flag ornament is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the "truck."


    The flag pole ball myth is thought to have begun during the Cold War among American soldiers. The items in the ball were to be used to fight Communists invading American soil.


    The idea of these items being placed so far out-of-reach during a time of distress makes the legend both far-fetched and illogical. Still, the flag pole myth continues to astound many believers--and provide a few laughs.


    CRW Flags: Flag Urban Legends (U.S.) Finial Duty

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