• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Not Everything Is Built to Last

    Laptops are expensive, and a warranty could ensure an enduring investment. Whether it needs replacement parts, or simply won't turn on anymore, purchasing an extended warranty will ensure that your laptop is always functional: What would you do if you needed to repair it?

    On the Other: Is It Worth the Money?

    Spending more money may seem like just an addition to the price-tag. Some insurance plans don't offer very good coverage for premium prices; besides, you're not likely to put your laptop near beverages, or accidentally leave it anywhere to get stolen.

    Bottom Line

    The day that something bad does happen, you'll be glad to have coverage; if it nothing ever does, then it'll seem like a waste of money. Don't pay more than a quarter of the price for the laptop. Don't buy anything that isn't necessary; consider the overall value of the coverage, and be sure that you understand whether the benefits are worth the investment.


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