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  • community service at state parks. cleaning things (maybe honeybucket?)
  • lifetime house arrest
  • Drop them naked upon the Antarctic. That'll cool their desires.
  • Life in prison, cellmate 6'6" 350 lb. gay man named Bubba who is allergic to soap and has an insatiable sexual appetite.
  • First time offense, I would give them the option of life in prison without parole, or, lifetime parole, if they voluntarily submit to castration. For a repeat offender? The death penalty.
  • To receive what they REALLY deserve, rather than the 'punishments' currently dished out by governments
  • I have always had a problem with this. The 'perfect punishment'? Well obviously, that would be to make them experience the same amount of pain and suffering in the same form to the same degree as the child they did it to. And how do you do that? To molest a child, you need at least one screw lose in the head. They probably do not see punishments in the same way. They have potentially ruined a life (or several) and caused so much pain. Is it really even possible to do the same back? Chances are, they have been through being molested as a child themselves, they know what it's like and obviously that has screwed them up to do these things. So how do you punish them? Currently being locked away in prison is... acceptable by my standards. I wouldn't let the bastards out mind you, but it'll do. I believe prison and therapy (don't you dare groan, I heard that!) is the best answer. Because you just lock them up, let them out you get the same cycle. Obviously they NEED some kind of mental help, and it should be given to them if not just for the sake of future children. You have to end the cycle somehow. Many would see this as no punishment at all. "'Just' prison and help! That we pay for! Paying to help them after what they did? Disgusting! Rip their heads off! Kill them!" I know. Part of me wants to agree. But how on Earth do you fix a problem if all you do is brush it under the carpet and kill anyone with it? You don't. So I conclude that there is no perfect punishment. No sort exists as the pain and experience of being molested cannot be matched by something else, same as rape, murder, torture etc. Killing people will not make the problem go away, and as a socirty we should be doing a hell of a lot more about this.
  • Life sentences with chemical castration,even a death penalty in some cases would not be too harsh a sentence. Why should the parents of the children they abused pay taxes for them to live a comfortable life secluded from the other prisoners for their safety. These people can and will never change it is a sexual preference that remains with them for life and NO child is ever safe from these evil predators
  • It depends entirely on what you mean by "child molester". That term can range from someone who abducts, batters and brutally sodomizes a toddler, to someone who takes a sexually suggestive picture of a 17 1/2 year old across a state line. Obviously these aren't even close to the same offense, so how would they warrant the same "perfect" punishment?
  • If we are talking about a child rapist (proven beyond all doubt, not just hearsay) then a long time in prison or chemical castration.
  • Their entire life on a work farm with all profit made going to the victim.
  • Being stuck on a desert island all along for life. Food & supplies are dropped from an airplane once a year.
  • I think castration might be an option so even if they get the urge, there's nothing they can do. But I'd like to see them locked up for life
  • Being strung up by their goolies.
  • The perfect punishment for ANY violent crime would be loading coal or stone in an underground quarry. If Johnny Cash could load sixteen tons a day, I'd say filling a five-tonner in exchange for each meal would be about right, and experience would quickly show how long sentences would have to be to reduce this crime as close to zero as it used to be.
  • Total castration by a very slow process... like banding tightly until the band cuts into the skin and eventually cuts it off.. The person should be strung up to where they can not reach it to undo it and salt should be poured on it once a day and then be rinsed with iodine seven times a day. And he should be kicked in the testicles at random intervals so his body doesn't adjust to the pain level. No pain killers. Plenty of antibiotics to make sure the guy lives. Then this guy is locked up and given shock treatment and mental help. Then a chip is installed to track him in the lining of his heart where he cannot remove it. He is let to go free.... and if he gets caught with a child again, doing anything, a signal is sent back through the chip to shock him. Then he is arrested and placed in a prison. He is clamped into a device that holds his head and hands and everyone locked in the prison is allowed to do anything they want to him. ANYTHING.... no death sentance. He lives his life bieng violated forever. He recieves an IV diet and has to stand, locked into the device forever. A leaky cold shower directly above his head showers him every two hours. See how many more pedophiles exist knowing this would be their fate.
  • castration w/ no painkillers.
  • A trip to the moon with Hannibal Lector , George Bush , Richard Simmonds and Damien from the omen.
  • The old Celtic way. First you strip them naked and bind them to a tree with the feet and hands tied with a rope that goes around the neck so every struggle chokes them. Then you remove the ears, nose, eyes, and tounge. Next you cut off the genitals. Let them bleed till half dead. Then you gut them from chin to groin and remove the guts. Last you slit the throat. To bury them you put the body in a bog face down with no funeral rites.
  • Castration, haha.
  • Sentence them to life in the general population of the worst prison in the country with "child molester" tattooed on their forehead. Usually the most hardened criminal will not tolerate a child molester.
  • They themselves should be molested/raped and then shot in the head.
  • "As for evolution we are programmed to be attracted to those at the same level of sexual development as we are not those below us." You don't have any idea what you are talking about. A social rule or convention is not the same as an evolutionary drive. Please bother to eduicate yourself rather than keep repeating this uninformed drivel.
  • Your information did not come from the justice department. You said yourself that it came from blogs, and I believe you. My sources are the actual work of social scientists and behavioral reserachers. Your sources are the equivalent of supermarket tabloids. But you were right when you said "A pedophile doesn't use the term "lure" or "target" because he doesn't see it that way. To him he has found a soul mate. To him it's all consensual. He will even convince himself the child wanted him to do these things." (I corrected the four spelling mistakes.) All that is totally true. I'm not sure how you don't see that that doesn't jibe with what you said earlier, about pedos being sociopaths who get off on damaging people. It's precisely because they believe their actions are consensual that they cannot be described as sociopathic--just deeply disordered. And that's why inciting hatred for them is utterly irreponsible.
  • hang them up on a stake for the public to torture them until they die
  • There are three levels of SO. 1. This person did it on the "Spur of the moment" child might have been undressed, nothing more then touch and they are also as stunned as the victim as to what they did. Rarely do they re-offend. 2. This type "Looks" for the chance. Very possible re-offend. 3. This one "Acts" on desire and will not stop unless a "Severe" punishment is waiting. 2 & 3 are the most dangerous and so, they will require long term (Probably life time) checks on tehir actions, places and such. Nothing really will stop them except long term incarceration in prison. That would open them up to being murdered also in prison. So, probably better to jail the 2 & 3 and to watch the 1 just for 5 years.
  • Based upon the response one of you posted, I wanted to be as accurate as possible so I've included links to laws that talk about the things discussed in this particular post: If I have included any information that is not applicable, just disregard it. ------ ------ What Constitutes Sexual Battery? Sexual battery is an unwanted form of contact with an intimate part of the body that is made for purposes of sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse. Sexual battery may occur whether the victim is clothed or not. It is a crime, which varies by state laws, so local laws should be consulted. The following is an example of a state law defining sexual battery: "Any person who touches an intimate part of another person while that person is unlawfully restrained by the accused or an accomplice, and if the touching is against the will of the person touched and is for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of sexual battery." *Please note that age is not mentioned in this definition, implying that all ages are held accountable. ------ Sexual abuse has been defined to include inappropriate physical contact, making a child view sexual acts or pornography, using a child in making pornography, or exposing an adult's genitals to a child. *That last part "or exposing an adult's genitals to a child." would include Nudist Resorts where families live and children are present. Lots of genital exposure going on in those places. ------ While those who posted on this topic would never actually carry out the things they have stated, it should be noted that doing so constitutes "Assault & Battery (among other crimes) and prosecution would likely result. See this link: ------ A sexual predator is defined as a person who is an adult or juvenile who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense and who is likely in the future to commit additional sexually oriented offenses. Definitions vary by state, so local laws need to be consulted to determine the applicabe law in your area. *notice that even a juvenile can be charged as a sex offender. According to the things all of you have shared, would you really want to apply them to a juvenile? ------ ------ Oral penetration and anal penetration (heterosexual as well as homosexual) are against the law in the following States. Alabama — All sodomy acts illegal - affects only unmarried couples.[20][21] Penalty = (1 year/$1,000) Florida — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (60 days/$500) Idaho — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (5 years to life) Kansas — Same-Sex sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (6 months/$1,000) Louisiana — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (5 years/$2,000) Michigan - In Michigan Organization for Human Rights v. Kelley 1990, a trial court ruled Michigan's sodomy law unconstitutional under the state constitution. This ruling is believed to apply to all state prosecutors; however, due to the fact that the judge's decision has not yet been appealed, the current status of the law is unclear.[23][20] (all sexes; felony punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment, repeat offenders get life) Mississippi — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (10 years) Missouri — Same-Sex sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (1 year/$1,000), then repealed through legislative action in 2006 North Carolina — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (10 years/discretionary fine) Oklahoma — Same-Sex sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (10 years) South Carolina — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (5 years/$500) Texas — Same-Sex sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = ($500) Utah — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (6 months/$1,000) Virginia — All sodomy acts illegal. Penalty = (1-5 years)

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