• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Consider Aflatoxins

    Raw peanuts are susceptible to contamination with a substance known as aflatoxin, a toxic substance found in the fungus Aspergillus flavus. Possible effects of consuming alfatoxin include abdominal pain, blood clots in your lungs, seizures, vomiting, coma, and even death, warns Cornell University. The substances are also known to cause cancer in animals, and unfortunately cannot be completely eliminated from food, including peanuts, reports Penn State University.

    On the Other: The Danger is Regulated

    Because of the risk associated with raw peanuts, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration places restrictions on the allowable amount of aflatoxins in raw peanuts as exposure to small amounts of the substances are unlikely to cause harmful effects. The FDA's regulations and testing of peanuts has made toxic reactions to aflatoxins found in all products, including peanuts, rare in the United States.

    Bottom Line

    Although there is a risk of aflatoxin contamination associated with raw the raw nutes, it is unlikely that occasional consumption of uncooked peanuts will cause toxic effects. You can further minimize your risk by only buying major brands of raw peanuts and not eating any nuts that are discolored, moldy or shriveled, suggests Penn State University.


    Penn State University: Aflatoxin

    Cornell University: AFLATOXINS-Occurrence and Health Risks

    FDA: Action Levels for Deleterious Substances

    More Information:

    WHFoods: Peanuts

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