• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: JBL EON speakers have an equalizer

    JBL EON 515 speakers come with a built-in equalizer that offers three factory optimized settings. The Boost setting provides you with fuller sounding audio that makes the higher ranges more distinct. The Flat setting removes any equalization and delivers sound that is the closest to the original source. The Cut setting reduces the amount of bass in the mix. For most applications this is as much control you are likely to need.

    On the Other: External equalizers can be added

    If you desire more control of your sound, you can use any equalizer with your JBL EON 515 setup. There are many different types of equalizers and many different price points. If you add an equalizer to your JBL EON 515 speakers, it should be connected between the audio source and the speakers themselves. For example, if you are using a mixer, the output from the mixer would become the input into the equalizer. The output from the equalizer will go to the JBL EON 515 speakers.

    Bottom Line

    The built in equalizer settings offer enough control for most musicians or performers. If you need an equalizer, any professional equalizer will work with your speakers and will offer you additional control over the shape of your sound.


    JBL Professional

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