• The Chilton Manual is a voluminous set of reference books containing information for the maintenance of automobiles. Chilton Manuals are commonly used by professionals and lay persons as the preferred source of information in repairing autos. Content related to the Chilton Manuals is now also available online.


    The Chilton Manuals were first published over 80 years ago by the Chilton Company, a publisher of trade magazines. The manuals were so popular among auto enthusiasts that the manual is still published more than 10 years after the Chilton Company's demise. The Chilton Manuals are presently published by Cengage Learning.


    The Chilton Manuals provide comprehensive information on the repair and maintenance of automobiles, presented in a manner approachable by lay persons as well as professional auto mechanics.


    The Chilton Manuals are standard reference books and are available at many libraries. Cengage Learning also offers the content of Chilton Manuals online.


    The Do-It-Yourself Chilton online content includes step-by-step service and repair procedures along with diagrams, photos, video, as well as diagnostic and troubleshooting guides.

    Cost and Offers

    The cost of purchasing a complete set of Chilton Manual hard copies would be prohibitive for most enthusiasts. However, Cengage Learning currently offers a free trial of the Chilton online content on its website.


    Cengage's Chilton Cite

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