• They say warm milk does the trick
  • I ask my invisible friends to put me to sleep, pleeeaaasssee?
  • Try not to sleep while watching TV or listening Radio!
  • Sex, alone or with others.
  • Well, demorgans, if you're "hormonal" (menopausal), I'd recommend HORMONES! ^_- !!!! Otherwise, reading pretty much does it for ME! Seems I no more pick up something to read and I'm "out like a light"!
  • Take up a comfortable position, head slightly raised, as with a double pillow. Starting with your toes and slowly moving upwards, relax every muscle of your body. Toes, heels, ankles, calves, knees, thighs and so on. Yes, play dead, if you have to. By the time you reach your tummy it'll be morning. Trust me.
  • I find a white noise helps. Or ear plugs for no noise at all. Try not to worry about it. The more you worry about not getting sleep, the worse it gets. I've had insomnia before and it's no fun. So sorry demorgans! You could call me and I could bore you to sleep. Or hey, I could sing you a lullaby. ;-)
  • Try not trying to sleep .. it will go naturally ..
  • yoga trick and it helped me. Lay on the floor with your bottom up against a wall and your legs straight up for 20 min.
  • Sex, or a purring cat.
  • An herbal tea works for me when I don't want to drink beer. +5
  • Reading something that you absolutely have to read. WOrks for me every time!
  • I've had the same problem. When I went to the doctor and asked him about it; he told me to try some Melatonin. I haven't yet, but I thought I would mention it to you. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask about dosage. Maybe someone here has used it before. Hope you're feeling better and find a way. This week; I've been getting to sleep really early and when I woke up felt like a million! I hope it continues. Good luck friend. . I asked about the Melatonin and it worked for mrrw. See link
  • i would try to interpret that nightmare and relate it to the problem your having right now. Something must be happening with you and once you fx it you will sleep better
  • You could be taking calcium, magneseiun, & potassium every night,Together they create a naturln sedative, so be sume to take them at night,NOT DURING THE DAY !!! It will probly take about three weeks for then to get into your system, but when they do take the combo 30 min before bedtime, and out you go !!! In the meantime,,,seriously??? a glass of warm milk...has the same effect on babies !!!
  • Someone mention autoerotica yet? ;-)
  • I have struggled with insomnia most of my life. Here are some tips that have helped me: 1. Drink some decaf green tea no earlier than an hour before bed. It will relax you. 2. If you find yourself tossing and turning in the night, don't stay in bed. Otherwise, your brain will associate the bed with restlessness. Get up and go read a book until you feel sleepy again.
  • Here is my mothers old remedy and its worked for her for years. its simple............ Eat three cookies and a glass a milk before bedtime. You okay? have not heard from you. concerned.
  • I might not know your symptoms but I would suggest you to try these simple Homeophatic remedies:(works for most common symptomps and available in most health shops) -Aconite:helps to relieve anxiety and restlessness -Pulsatilla:is for difficulty with failing asleep -Sulphur:is used ehen there is sleep talking or restless leg syndrome -Nux Vomica:helps to relieve early waking -Coffea:should be taken if you're prone to waking at around 2 or 3am,and then only doze afterwards. You can also choose another simple remedies like Bach Flower remedies,try one of these:(a few drop of your chosen remedy in a glass of water,taken several times a day) -Rescue remedy:for shock or sudden change -Elm:when you find responsibilities overwhelming -Gorse:if you are faced with hopelessness -Hornbeam:to relieve tiredness and lethargy -Oak:for times when you have kept going beyond feeling exhausted -Olive:if you are exhausted following either mental or physical activity -White Chestnut:when your mind is unable to relax. In addition:all these two simple group of remedies are natural,easy to use,and inexpensive. It also has no side effect so it is safe to be used for everyone at every age(except for allergic individual).
  • Good question, I also have trouble sleeping unless I have had some "how's your father" then I'm out till the morning. I tried those Calms and nitol (I think) and both had a really bed affect making things so much worse. Lots of good answers hear some of which I am going to try, sorry I have nothing better to add, other than try watching a film you really like, I often do this if I can't sleep sometimes it help but not always Never go online chatting cause you will be up all night talking to strangers on the other side of the planet ; - )
  • I took Valerian Root, you can get it from health food places (organic). I know it is in a capsule but it is an herb and has been used from the time of Galen and the greeks. Let me say, after many years of not sleeping well, I finally started to getting decent sleep. It has had no side effects for me.

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