• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Consider Efficiency and Cost Savings

    According to the U.S. Department of Energy, lowering your hot water heater thermostat by 10 degrees can lower energy bills by 3 to 5 percent. The DOE says that a temperature of 120 degrees at the tap is hot enough for most household tasks. According to Natural Handyman, setting your hot water tank temperature to 130 degrees will give you tap water of 120 degrees.

    On the Other: Consider Safety and Sanitation

    If you have a dishwasher without a pre-heat setting to boost the water temperature, you may have to set your water heater temperature higher. Most dishwasher manufacturers recommend water temperatures of 140 degrees in order to properly sanitize dishes. In addition, the temperature in the hot water heater should be at least 130 degrees to prevent the growth of bacteria in the tank. However, keep in mind that water above 130 degrees presents a risk of scalding, especially if you have young children.

    Bottom Line

    Taking into consideration safety, health and energy efficiency, the best temperature for your hot water heater is 130 degrees. This will give you water that is hot enough for most household tasks while reducing your energy costs and preventing scalds and burns.


    Natural Handyman

    Energy Efficiency, U.S. Dept. of Energy

    Scalds and Burns

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