• When she forgets just go on without her. I am sure that you have already brought this to her attention. She is inconsiderate. Do what you had agreed to do together, alone....Soon she'll catch on and the problem will end. On the other hand, she may prove that she really doesn't care. In that case, move on.
  • I'm sorry, but you need a dose of reality, my friend. You don't want to "complicate anything"? You sound like a person in a classic abusive situation. Whose happiness should be a priority to you? You may think you're just putting up with some bullshit for the sake of the relationship, but I guarantee you that if you don't either move on, or speak up and get to the bottom of this ASAP, your girlfriend has designated you as a pushover and is probably laughing at you behind your back. I'm sorry to be harsh, but I've been in your situation plenty of times, and if you don't decide to get your hands dirty and deal with this, you're going to end up about 50 times more upset than you are now. Make your own happiness a priority in your own life, and start doing it right now.
  • Just a thought but a female never forgets to call or to see a guy that she is crazy about. Maybe you need to have a talk and find out if this relationship is really worth your time and if it's time to move on
  • it doesnt get complicated yet. wait until you find out your girlfriend has sucked 27 d*cks before you, and she claims that she is 'sexual vegetable' because she lost her virginity to a dead guy. thats when you can say that she is a jerk, or a jerk off, or, my favorite, spouse.
  • Women NEVER forget to call or keep plans. She is trying to distance herself and give herself space without losing you. My advice...just have fun. Don't make everything you do revolve around her. Like someone else said, if you two have plans and she bails on them, go and do those plans without her...take a friend of yours instead. This will allow her to have her space, you can spend time with friends, you won't be letting her walk all over you, and you and her won't be fighting. That is the best way to handle it.
  • I need more details. How old are the two of you? Does she live with her parents? Is she allowed to date? If not, did you know this before you decided to date her? Do the two of you chat on IM? Is she allowed to hang out with guys? Does she have work? Does she put a great deal of time into her homework? Is there something that stops her from calling you back? Does she know your feelings are hurt by this? Do you know why she cancels the plans? She kind of reminds me of me and I am not a jerk at all, which is why I am asking these questions.

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