• Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux (GER), it is not the same as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux can lead to GERD. With acid reflex, there are a few cures, more appropriately called treatments, which will address the condition and provide relief.


    Acid reflux is considered common if it occurs more than twice a week. You'll need to see a physician to discover the underlying problem and find out if you may have GERD. If you are not diagnosed with GERD, then over-the-counter medication should be all that you need.


    The simplest way to cure acid reflux is to use over-the-counter antacids. Tums, Mylanta and Rolaids are just a few examples of acid blockers. Proton pump inhibitors such as generic omeprazole or Prilosec OTC prevent the production of stomach acid.

    Home Remedy

    When symptoms appear, completely dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in six ounces of water. Drink. This will neutralize stomach acid.


    Eat small meals instead of large ones. Don't overeat. Avoid fatty foods, acidic food and spicy foods.


    Many people experience acid reflux as a temporary condition. Treatments discussed will help with individual, sporadic episodes. For excessive and reoccurring episodes, consult a doctor.


    Is Acid Reflux And Gerd the Same?

    Gastroesophageal Reflux GER

    Drugs to Treat Stomach Acid Reflux

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