• I can readily think of one such symbol that, for me, fits James Fowler's Stage 5 model: The Worldwide Flood of Genesis 6-9 ( Personally I don't believe that there was a worldwide flood because: a) The science behind such a flood is unsupportable and; b) The science behind a localized flood is supportable; c) The messages and power of the story aren't lost if the flood is localized rather than worldwide. Therefore, I feel like I can accept the spiritual messages and "reality" of the story without resorting to the Cult phenomenon of "Magic Thinking" that, to me, is required to interpret the Flood of Noah as a literal worldwide flood. The transcendent reality that I see in the Flood Narrative is: 1) It's God's world and He can do with it as He will. . 2) Therefore, there are forces of nature that are solely in the hand of God. . 3) In the midst of divine judgment there is also mercy and grace. . 4) A key to success in life is finding what God wants you to do and do it with gusto and zeal. . 5) Out of tragedy can come a new life, a new world, and a greater understanding of God. . 6) Regardless the circumstances, and despite all appearances, God is still in control. . 7) Though I can be a good "traveling companion" and influence to others that I encounter during my mortal passage, ultimately each man is responsible for his own behavior as well as the consequences for that behavior. . I'm sure that there are other examples of how I have applied James Fowler's Stage 5 of his "Stages of Faith" model on my spiritual path, this is just the one that is most readily apparent to me.

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