• They both look most likely fake. However, the gray one looks more akin to what they Natives would have used.
  • They both look very fake to me. I'm no expert, but have several that I have found and have seen thousands of others. But yours definitely look fake.
  • The white one looks fake. The stone one, possibly but it is different than any I've seen. I would have an expert check it out. ' Retarded people could make one, but to assume it is by a retarded person shows extremely deficient thinking on your part. . Yes, Indians really killed animals and humans with projectile point. I have a collection of these points.
  • They are both fake. Have you ever tried to make a arrowhead? You need to be skilled indeed to make anything that is functional.
  • Indian? 3000 years ago? You realize 3000 years ago was before the existence of ancient Rome?
  • the bone one looks pretty fake where'd you get it? maybe the person who sold it to you was giving you an EXAMPLE of arrow heads not the real ones... unless you found them.. then i would assume they're real

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