• In some schools in Georgia, you have to watch a video before you drop out of school. Why not make someone watch an ultrsound before an abortion. "Pro-choicers" should want people making an educated decision. In all areas of society we want people to be fully educated before making decisions, why not this one?
  • Forced, no. I do believe that ultra-sound should be available to them if they choose. A woman in that position is already in dire straits and I don't think that forcing her to have one will help her. I am pro-life but I also think that forcing something on a girl or woman in such a precarious position will be counter productive. I think early education and open frank discussion is a far better way to address the problem of abortion.
  • No. I do not think anyone should be forced. Having said that I fail to see the big deal as when shown mine I couldn't make any sense of it anyway.
  • Personally,I would never adort,but that should be NOBODIES business.If we do not have the freedom of our own bodies,then what freedom do we have?Should women be forced to cover,not go out without a man,etc.?...Would men also be FORCED to do ANYTHING about their children??..i GUESS THE WHOLE THING ANGERS ME FOR SOME REASON!!!
  • here we go. roe vs. wade again. listen go to watch the video. that is what think women should HAVE to watch instead of an ultra sound. (be forwarned) it is very graffic. especially if you have had an abortion. it shows the whole procedure up close. you see tiny hands n parts!!! if that wouldnt change their mind nothing will.
  • What happens in a doctors office between a patient and a doctor is no ones business but theirs. I find it funny that many of these same people backing legislation like this are the ones who protest the health care bill telling the government to "keep their hands off my body" Never mind that that's not what health care reform is even about. If you think this is bad have you heard about the Oklahoma law that requires publishing abortion records on-line and moves to do it elsewhere?
  • Absolutely not. It sounds like yet another sneaky way for the state to take control over women's bodies by guilt tripping them or further traumatizing them when they are already in a difficult emotional state.
  • No. But I think legislators should be forced to watch hours and hours of videos made by Child Protection Services showing what happens to unwanted children. Burns by hotplate as a punishment for wetting their pants. Rectums greatly distended by repeated, forced s-e-x acts. Learning impaired by brain damage caused by repeated blows to the head. Dull normal intelligence caused by no positive interaction with adults. And they should also watch at least eight hours of family court hearings, as girls who have had babies trying to get child support from the fathers, and failing, because the fathers work odd jobs for cash only, or simply leave the state. Then explain to their constituents why they want more welfare moms living off tax money.
  • Yes. I think it is a good idea. It shows that it is a separate life inside them. Not just an embroyo or mass of muscle etc.
  • i liked reading many of the posted replies. thanks! a woman walking down the street ought to have full rights over her body. abortion gets tricky!!! she doesn't have the right to use her body to kill a store clerk in a robbery. most states have passed suicide laws that make it a crime to commit (or attempt) suicide. thus, in that case, the state has stepped in and said that it's right to protect existing life is greater than the right of the individual to take one's own life. many states have passed laws that make it a criminal offense if one kills a fetus while, perhaps, also killing the mother. this is a murky gray area. when i saw the ultrasound of "our" baby inside the womb of another woman, frankly, i was shocked at how quickly the fetus grows and looks human. so, having seen that, i would have probably reconsidered getting an abortion. so many of these children whose mothers thought of abortion but didn't get one are horribly abused, maimed, tortured, and more often killed. i also liked the comments by babbits suggesting that legislators ought to watch 100s of hours of tapes of children being burned and raped ... before they pass these laws. after all, that's soooo often the case. NOT ALWAYS! we spoil our adopted child! aren't those south carolina legislators the same legislators who oppose adequately funding education and health programs for our children? so, they legislate things the promote giving birth but then don't fund programs for these children once alive! i bet if we look at these find, upstanding legislators, they also have a low prevalence of adoption. they probably especially have a low prevalence of adoption of needy, unhealthy, racial minority, hard-to-place, and older children. there was an old saying: "republicans believe that life begins at inception but ends at birth".

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