• I know everyone is going to yell at me but I had my daughters done when they were infants. So if you ask me, No.
  • Not at all. If you're gonna have them pierced, the earlier the better.
  • I don't really know what is to young...I have a niece that had her daughters ears pierced as infants....I allowed my daughters to grow up and decide when they wanted it done.
  • No, not at all. That's a fine age! +5 Best, Jonathan
  • No not at all i think it is a fine age. My ears were pierced as a newborn and when i got my 2nd holes in my ears i was about 14. Go for it. :) +2
  • I think so. I feel so sorry for little kids with their ears pierced, it looks so wrong.
  • lots of people pierce their babies ears much younger than 6 years old. i think its up to the parent. my daughters' ears are not pierced. and they are 2 and 9. they way i see it, when they get older they can decide for themselves if they want pierced ears. :)
  • while i support others' rights to have their ears pierced at whatever age, i wonder if girls who get their ears pierced at a younger age might feel more like they need to be objects of beauty for males? this sounds kind of feministic, i'm usually not so. i guess when i collaborated with a vice unit, i came to the conclusion back in the wild days that my children wouldn't wear earrings until they're older. if my son or daughter really wanted them, i'd listen and we'd evaluate it together.
  • Moonchild. . . .please don't look at my answer as "challenging", because it's REALLY a desire to genuinely know! But why-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y do people do that to their children before the child is OLD ENOUGH (like, at least, in their teens) to know if that's what THEY want! It breaks my heart to see infants with them!
  • plenty of people have it done even earlier, but i want my daughter to be able to make that decision herself. when she is at least 15, and can do her own cost/benefit, she can decide.
  • Yes, Children are forced to grow up before they have a childhood. Everyone needs goals and expectations. Children need to know that they can not have everything all at once. Ear rings are given when a Girl reaches the magical age of 16. This is something the girl looks forward to, all of her childhood. Why take that away from her, just so you can feel neat and cool. At six, she will have no real understanding of it. It is like piercing an infants ears. This is done for the parents benefit not the child's. Now the parent can parade their little ear pierced princess. Why not just take delight in the beauty of your new born?
  • In many countries it is absolutely normal for girls to have their ears pierced at 2 or younger. Not so much for boys, it's generally considered a beauty thing for women. But that is part of their culture- it's normalicy. In other parts of the world, - more the 'western world' parents who allow their young child's ears to be pierced are often viewed as weak for complying to their child's wishes to appear like the ideal 'grown up girl'. Many think it is violating a child's right over their own body, as the final word is that of the parent's, and children aren't old enough to understand if they'll really like it or not. A good friend of mine had her ears pierced when she was six. She asked for it to be done because, as she said, she thought earings ooked pretty. Just after her ears were pierced, she was still smiling and didn't realise it had already been done! She took care of the studs- cleaned them herself and turned them every now again and so on. Not all kids would be like this, but my point is, having her ears pierced at such a young age did no harm to her. Today she is a lovely, 'good girl' type. Myself, I was 12. I was also ready. It was so exciting :)I knwo I wouldn't have been ready at 6. I wasn't even considering it at six. It was something I thought a girl did when she was a 'big girl' and until then I was content wearing the fakies. I say it's ok. Plus- if a six year-old who gets their ears pierced like it, and is irritated by the sensation- allowing the holes to close up can take as little as only one night sleeping without any studs in. (Given it's within the first 6 weeks of having ears pierced). I do however think that piercing a baby's ears (in our western world, other places it's part of the religion or culture and is symoblic and significant) is silly- is the baby trying to impress people? No. The parent is trying to make the baby more beautiful and impressive. And I think that is superficial. After all, earings are to enhance beauty. It's like a five year-old wearing a bra, even if it is a flat " first 'bra'" type one. It doesn't need to be done- until you grow boobs.
  • no i dont, usually they are done alot sooner than 6.
  • I don't, but I got my ears pierced at two months.
  • As long as she really wants it done ... I would think it's OK. I might first have her just go to the place that does the piercing and let them talk to her about the entire procedure and what will have to happen afterwards so the "holes" don't get infected, etc.
  • My daughters had them pierced as babies. In retrospect (I didn't care for it at the time), I don't think it's a big deal considering that we are cutting the foreskin off of newborns.
  • Why stop with her ears?
  • I used to pierce little kids ears and I think they should be the ones that want it, not you. It hurts. It only hurts for a minute, but to kids that can be traumatic.
  • I got mine done at 12 months...or so they tell me. my mother probly did it younger, she did lots of crazy things to me as a kid. she bleached my eyebrows in year three. thanks mum. they went orange. she waxed my back once, fair go, i was not hairy.. I think she wanted me to look like her other kids who have no Italian blood. (she is Australian- I'm half and half) Do it if its for the right reasons.
  • No way. As long as she knows how to keep things clean for the first few weeks, why not?
  • Not at all my niece has them done and it hasn't done any harm so why not.
  • nope, not at all :)
  • Not too young so long as she is the one who wants it and that she understands that it is going to hurt for a little while and that there's quite some looking after of her ears, to do for quite some time after.
  • People take their babies for ear piercings. As long as she wants it go for it.
  • Does she know how the piercing is carried out? If so let her go for it! My ears were pierced when i was a baby, i don't agree with that and as soon as my girls ask to have it done, they can get get it. I actually asked my eldest just before she began school if she'd like them done, she said yes but when i explained how it was done she changed her mind lol!
  • totally not! lol i got my ears peirced at four and i dont regret it, my mum was very resposinble and if she let me get my ears peirced at that age, it's definately not TOO young.
  • No I had my ears pierced for my seventh birthday...only because that was a tradition in my family...I have never regretted it. At six a person is old enough to take care of the piercing, with the help of their parent. I made my sons waits until their tenth birthday only because I wasn't sure whether they really wanted an earring and where prepared for it...(both my boys were a little sooky when it come to things like that). So if your six year old is prepared to accept that it might hurt a little for a few days and can look after it...then go ahead and good luck.
  • i dont think so since babies do it

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