• yes dont force them for foursome.
  • Feelings are going to get hurt. I'd just stop being available for outings until they get the hint. Either that or be prepared to call her and tell her the truth.
  • Have a sitdown talk with the other couple and express exactly how you feel. Your questions and statements should be aimed at the man, not his wife, since it appears she is a victim of abuse. Be prepared to stand your ground. This meeting could get to be involved with words.
  • In a friendship like that I go for broke friendship be damned Im going to let you know I dont like it or appreciate it around me! Try to run them off.. God forbid you make a positive impression in their lives.
  • That's a tough one. Does he mistreat her, or is it give and take and you simply don't agree with it? The simplest way, I would think, is to just contact them less and less; as an alternative you could also broaden your social circle to include hanging out with others, and hope that maybe he gets the hint at how to treat a woman, and/or open the potential to simply drift away from them towards another group of people. Personally, I would be hesitant to abandon one friend to the potential abuses of another (if that's the case) - but if it's not the case judging how they treat one another could be a slippery slope if she's alright with it.
  • If you have issues especially with how he treats her just walk on. I personally may try to explain the situation to her, but if he is an ahole treat him like one and offer no explination to him. hurtzsgood
  • If he's making you uncomfortable, I would ditch the couples get-togethers by simply being less available. But I hope you will remain close to the wife - she sounds like she could use a friend.

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