• Why bother? If she doesn't trust you and you've done nothing to warrant losing her trust, that is really her problem.
  • I don't understand what trust there is to earn back. Unless you've done something you didn't mention, sounds like the problem is hers.
  • i think the bigger question here is why did she suddenly stop trusting you? just prove to her that you're loyal & you care about her, she'll come back around eventually.
  • it sounds like you don't need to earn her trust, you already deserve it. Try to talk to her about possible under lying emotions that she has about it and where this distrust came from.
  • It doesn't sound like you two really communicate if you don't know why she doesn't trust you anymore. I mean, what if you're wrong about that and you're just imagining things? You don't want to just assume things. You have no idea how quickly doing that can ruin a relationship.
  • Are you perhaps doing things that can be interpreted as untrustworthy, things that might lead her to assume you are up to no good? All you can really do is keep up the good work at staying faithful, and to be sure that communication is open. You can't really force her to trust you. Some people have difficulty changing what they chose to believe.
  • She is either immature and not ready for a relationship, or you are not disclosing information.
  • for some people they don't trust anyone at all. so no matter what you do they won't trust you. your a trustworthy bf and if she cant see it , it's her loss.
  • It sounds like something is missing here. Did she trust you before and now she doesn't? Have you talked to her about it? +4
  • Girls moan for the sake of it. You need to reassure her. That is the key. Tell her how much you love her. Draw it to her attention that her own insecurities are making her not trust you and its not fair to take it out on you. REASSURANCE kiddo xx
  • if she's accusing you of cheating, then perhaps it's her that's cheating or maybe contemplating it... classic psychology on the other hand you could find out what made her lose trust in you and make amends to that.
  • Why do you say earn "back". How did you lose it or did you never have it? If she is unable to trust and you have never done anything to her she needs to seek professional help. If you have lost her trust, Then stop being a "douchebag" and straighten up and stop doing whatever it is you are doing to the poor woman.
  • Hey Finny, I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. Have you talked to her about it? Either she is misinterpreting something you have done or she has a guilty conscience about something. You really should sit down with her and ask her point blank what is going on.
  • Ask her how you lost the trust. Ask her how you can get it back, if she doesn't want to help you or doesn't explain things, I'm sorry but you're on your ticket out of her life. Also, if you did not do anything and the trust is leaving from her, like somebody else said, she's probably doing something.
  • If you have given her reason not to trust you , then she won't trust you . If she does not trust herself then she won't trust you . If a boyfriend in her past has broken her trust , then she won't trust you either . If she used to trust you but no longer does then it's either your actions or words , or , it's all about her . It sounds as if you may have a young relationship so make sure you don't miss out on the joy of its growth . If it is actually a long term relationship then you both need to learn about communication . Also remember that it is more about what she hears than what you actually say , and more about what she thinks you "could" do that what you actually "do" do . (relationships can be wonderful , RARELY easy) Good Luck !!
  • she's insane or you're in trouble of eating cheetos alone.
  • my wife had trust issues even though I never gave her reason not to trust me.... turns out she didn'tt trust me because she was not trustworthy herself. if you have given her no reason to doubt she is probably just going to get worse.
  • One of two things, either she didn't trust you from the beginning or your doing something she believes to be secretive. You don't just stop trusting someone for no reason. Woman have to have a reason not to trust... and either she's been burned in the past and didn't let you know from the beginning or... she feels like your hiding something. Take a minute and look at the things you do or say. Sometimes just little things can tip a woman off to whether or not her man is being secretive. Do you ever hide phone calls? Tip your phone away from her general direction while your reading a text message? Little things. I hope things work out for you two. If the situation is that she didn't trust you from the beginning, just keep working at it. The more you prove trust worthy the more she'll trust.
  • Your gf may be falling for you and is probably scared due to people letting her down in the past. If you are really invested in this relaionship, let her know. She will eventually trust you when she can't find any reason not too.
  • Tis not "you" she does not trust. It is your gender.
  • My ex who cheated suddenly was less trustworthy... only 6 months later did I find out that it was because he was cheating. I am not saying this is what is happening, but just be sure you know why.
  • You need not "earn" anything from her. This is about HER not you. I'd move on to a less neurotic individual...
  • If she doesn't trust you then there has probably been questionable episodes in the relationship. Have you asked her what made her suspicious? Has she caught you in any form of deception that undermines the relationship? Are you a flirt? Watch porn? Have emotional relationships with other women? If you have done something that made her question you...did you do anything to make her feel like she is over-reacting, and try to justify your questionable behavior? Any of these things can spark doubt if it is not talked about openly. It's just the way it is. If you have sincerely done nothing to raise doubt, then she should probably get counseling for her trust issues...pronto! Good Luck to both of you~ :-)
  • well if you didnt do anything to loose her trust i dont see were you should have to do anything to gain it back.

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