• Use nutrasystem for women or men and start to exercise. Please what evey you do not not eat, dont become anerixeric, its not healthy and you could die so be careful on what you do to lose wheight
  • The simple key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Fad diets generally do not have any permanent effect. There is a recent study that indicates that the Atkins diet is the most effective of these type of diets. The best method is to change your lifestyle such that you excercise more and eat less. I would also recomend watching little or no television because while watching television your brain, which is the largest consumer of calories in your body, consumes less energy while watching TV than when you are doing nothing. So to be concise eat less and do more.
  • Atkins, for sure. The first two weeks are the hardest, but you can do it. Follow EXACTLEY and you will
  • That is about 10 pounds a month. That is too much for a teenager to loose in that amount of time. I suggest you consult a doctor before trying to loose that much weight that fast. At your age serious problems could arise like an eating disorder or a heart condition that you may not even know you have. Weight loss is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly; especially by a teenager because your body is still developing.
  • That is a bit too much to lose per month, especially if you are a younger teen (13-14). Don't let people tell you that starving yourself is the best thing because it really isn't. Eat more fruits and veggies, if you crave sweets, eat some strawberries...think logically about what you are eating and make sure to take a walk or run or workout at least 30 minutes a day, 60 minutes is even better. Get enough rest too, because if you are too tired, you won't eat well. I hope you lose the weight. :)
  • Hey! I'm 5'5'' and a few months ago I lost about 20-30 pounds in the summer - which was like 2-3 months! I went from approx. 165lbs to 125/130lbs (somewhere in between it varies like everyday! lol) Without the help of some diet program or pills.. I just used common sense. You need lots of self control and ambition to reach your goal. You have to do lots of cardio: if you don't want to run or jog, you can brisk walk for at least 1 hour - 1hour and a half everyday! (people need to do at least 30 mins everyday to maintain their weight so if you do 45 or more you'll lose weight) and/or do your favourite sport... as long as you work up a sweat Watch what you eat - Instead of 3 big meals everyday try 6 small meals. Eat in moderation. NO: junk food, fast food, less red meat, lessen your sodium and sugar intake, no juice, no soft drinks... Eat MORE fruits and vegetables (8-10 servings/day), fish, a bit of chicken, whole grains, fiber. Eat breakfast everyday. Skipping meals only slows down your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories). Get 8-10 hours of sleep every night, don't eat before going to bed/don't go to bed on a full stomach, drink lots of water 8-10 glasses/day, and drink green tea whenever you can (after meals, after big meals). This will boost your metabolism. This is all I really did to lose weight. After I got to a healthy weight and school came around, I joined a gym. Now I go there about 3-5 times a week to do some cardio and weights. So, basically you have to burn more calories than your body takes in. I also did some research and read about health n stuff during that time about nutrition and exercise. Here are some sites that you can browse through for more information and resources that will help: Good luck!! :D Oh yeah, and I dunno how old you are but if you are a teenager, CONTRARY to what some other users' answers say (that it's too much to lose) Honestly, I was only 15 when I lost the weight, now I'm 16 so it's not too much, all you're really doing is getting more exercise and eating healthy. Not starving yourself so don't worry. :) When you successfully lose weight the healthy way (ie. my way. lol) you'll be very happy with yourself and your body!! :) :) :)
  • I want to add to my previous answer. Starving yourself does more harm than good. Doing that slows down your metabolism so once you do actually eat, your body uses more of the calories from the food you eat and turns it to fat more quickly because it thinks it is starving, which technically it is. See if your mom or another adult can help you with making better food choices. Try not to have another teen help you because I was a teenager once and other teens helping thier peers lose weight only makes things worse. You get competitive and start to make very unhealthy choices. I do wish you success!
  • The good news is that you're in your teens, which means you have time to STOP thinking like too many misguided women and learn a sensible, healthy lifestyle. Can you lose that amount of weight that quickly? Yes. Is it healthy? No. Will you most likely gain it back and then more? Yes. Eating sensibly (protien, grains, fruits and vegetable) and simple exercise (walking, biking, swimming, etc.) can help you lose weight at a reasonable rate and keep you healthy for a lifetime. It's okay to be less than perfect while improving yourself. Believe me, the real pride is in doing the work, not in having a perfect body. Good luck.
  • easy, eat healthy no sweets and junk follow the food prymid and run a couple miles every day
  • I tried trial product as free ,Now i ordered one more because in a month period i lost 15 pounds ,without any side's natural one .. Derwyn

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