• In an arguement people are usually more worried about making the other person agree with them. During a discussion people calmly explain their ideas and listen to the other persons opinion even if they don't agree.
  • from my experience, during an agrument.. there is a break-down in respect and dignity for the other person. usually, voices get louder, insults get launched and you get a few personal "digs" in that you would not have in a "discussion"
  • Arguments are typically people on different sides of an issue trying to prove that their stance is the right one. Arguments tend to get rather heated. Discussions are more neutral - they're more about sharing thoughts and opinions than they are about trying to debate or convince someone.
  • Also, discussions tend to be calmer.
  • A dicussion should be about the subject and for the most part calm. A discussion also includes listening and responding with respect to the others point of view. An argument gets out of hand and loud and often get personal. In an argument it is usually reacting instead of responding and there is usually little or no merit given to the others ideas or answers.
  • A discussion is an exchange of information, but an argument is a contest of wills.
  • An argument is a heated discussion.
  • No one dies from a friendly discussion.
  • An argument is a contest to force your will and opinion apon the other person. Whereas a discussion is simply stating your will and opinion, without trying to make the other person conform to them.
  • Arguments involve yelling; discussions involve calm speaking.
  • To me a discussion is a conversation that is calm and both sides opinions are valued. An argument is just a lot of yelling that gets nothing accomplished.
  • Arguments tend to be more emotional.
  • discussions are usually held to get pleasure out of a hotly debated point, an argument is much more vicious generally, with a lot more emphasis on getting the other party to agree with you.
  • a discussion is trying to sort things out together and an argument is getting to sort things out ur own way.
  • Tempers!
  • A discussion happen when rationality rules in the conversation.Each person thinks before they speak and try to bring the discussion to a higher level of understanding,hopefully beneficial to all concerned. An argument happens when rationality is left behind and in it's place emotion rules the situation.The sense of fairness and civility is gone and no one benefits for the only thing that is prominent is the clashing of egos.
  • A discussion, you may get something resolved. An argument, just a headache.
  • Dear Questioner: An arguement is when two or more people are not agreed on a subject, plan, idea or scheme and start fighting over it. This verb includes: Yelling, screaming, shouting, hollering, cursing, etc, However, I DO understand your question. Discussions are VERY close indeed to arguements. Discussions are when two or more people don't agree, so they talk it out. Kind of like discussing one's idea's, listening to each other, and being a little more polite with words and actions. VERY clever question. Sorry if my answer wasn't helpful. Sincerely, Your Answerer; Crystal Gonzalez
  • In my experience, a discussion is when you talk about a subject and an argument is when you yell about a subject!
  • An Argument is where two people are not willing to hear anothers opinion on the subject and will only take their opinion as right. A Discussion is where two people voice an opinion or statement and the other listens and agrees or comments on the matter, so it is a trade back and forth mutually agree'd converstaion between two people who are listeners as well as a talker
  • A discussion is an argument without a teenager present.
  • I know this from personal experience. An argument is when one person refuses to contribute to a discussion, and a discussion is when both people participate.
  • argument is a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal, to argue you need to have facts and hold over the subject, while for discussion u need not know everything about the subject because the point of dicussion is to gives/provides or share the knowledge.
  • depends on whether youre winning or losing
  • volume and tone.
  • Vehemence?! ;-)
  • Not really a whole lot. But a discussion is general more debating about something. An argument is when a discussion get heated and there usually begins a lot of either name-calling, put-downs, and/or cursing. Funny that sometimes ONE person can see a discussion as an argument and another things it's just a discussion. And how sometimes ONE can go into argument mode and the other doesn't, isn't it.
  • I think that the difference between a discussion and an argument is that in an argument it is just about impossible to come to an agreement, where in a discussion, the all sides eventually to an agreement.
  • Elevated voices,and a failure to come to an agreement.
  • people are in a better mood during a discussion
  • Volume and emotion. Actually, the major difference is that in an argument, no one wins; while in a discussion, everyone wins.

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