• Wow. That situation is so screwed. Israel will likely have to oppress Palestinians by restricting voting or go with two-states. Each has its risks. I doubt The radical Arabs will ever acknowledge Israel's right to exist. The outcome of this is even more interesting because the US has to face the fact that eventually Hispanics will be the majority here.
  • At the rate they're going, another 60 years before they self-destruct
  • You say "deal with the '2 State Solution' as if it were a bad thing... Based on my observations, for as long as Israel can continue to get away with theft, genocide and Apartheid, nothing will change. They play a very astute game of imposing unataible and/or intangable conditions which, if accepted by the other party, it will leave them in exactly the same position as before if not worse. So, the only solution there is to move Israel to Texas

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