• Well first of all, that's an AWFUL lot of weight to lose in just 3 months!!! so I can't guarantee, of course, anything....but I have recently read that you should NEVER eat a starch before the protein or vegetable part of your meal....actually, you're better off staying away from starches, period, but at least save them for much later in the meal!! it has something to do with a hormone that controls our appetite..and drink lots of water, and always eat, when possible, something fresh; an apple, a small salad, etc., right before your meal..this will help to fill you up and you'll be filling up on good solid food as opposed to junk!! I could go on and on but if you want more tips, feel free to email me and I'll help you as best I can!!!!! Good Luck!!
  • Unless you weigh over 450 pounds you are trying to jump over the moon. It is not safe to do this without a doctor's supervision. You could very well die if you try this. You will likely get gallstones if you don't already have them. You will need to exercise A LOT. No amount of calorie restriction alone will accomplish this. You will need a coach or someone else to keep you on the program. Do not try this at home.
  • Yeah, 3 lbs a week is the most you can lose healthy. You might be able to swing 45-50 but I wouldn't envy you for it. I lost 40 lbs one summer just eating frozen burritos, ramen noodles, salad and tuna fish. I kept my caloric intake at 1500 a day.
  • I lost 60 pounds in four months last year and have kept it off. I did it by cutting my calories down to 800-1000 per day, and by exercising one-half hour 4x a week. I ate mostly protein and little if any carbohydrates. When you go on a strict diet, the biggest mistake you can make is not getting enough protein - this will cause you to loose muscle instead of fat. By eating mostly protein - you will lose the fat instead. This does not have to be expensive either - I did it by eating tuna, tofu, and lentils. And for carbs - I selected the most healthy ones - brown breads and rice, salad veggies, and the like.
  • GO TALK TO A DOCTOR. Right now. That is your best option if you want to do this - especially given how little other information you've given us, such as: How old are you? How much do you weigh, and how tall are you? What does your diet look like on a daily basis? How much physical activity do you engage in on a daily basis? But seriously, even if you tell me this I can't really help you if I can't meet you in person - go to a doctor. If you really want to lose weight and do so safely, I wouldn't suggest such an extreme goal... But a few basic suggestions I would make are: - Eating LOTS of vegetables and almost no fruit (especially dried fruit) - a serving or two of veggies with EVERY meal. - Eating fewer (but not eliminating completely) your carb intake. Seriously watch what you eat - if it is something carby, make sure it has lots of fiber as well. Also, if you are eating carbohydrates, make sure and use them by doing a cardio workout that day =) - Do not drink ANYTHING but water and perhaps tea with no milk or sugar. - If you can, walk or ride your bike everywhere. - Again, the very best thing you can do is talk to a doctor.

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