• A man or woman of character is pretty much someone who is honest, responsible, self-disciplined, has self control, and so on. He or she pretty much takes responsibility for his or her actions. He/she is most likely also someone you can count on as he/she is trustworthy and reliable. He/She respects his or her surroundings and the people around him/her. All around, he/she has a very good and positive attitude. To sum this all up in one sentence: A person of character is someone you can count on.
  • It's been pointed out to me that being a character is not the same thing as having character
  • to have a certain personality.
  • To have character means to be trustworthy, one to be depended upon. To be a character is to be somewhat colorful in ones personality - can be good or bad, but I would say around here not really demeaning. +5
  • to have a strong personality - an individual
  • Character makes us all very distinctive! :-/
  • 'Character' is what a person has when no one is looking!
  • It means that you have a moral core that benefits others as much as it benefits yourself AND that you adhere to that core and don't deviate from it when it's convenient or expedient.
  • I will agree with AnonymousGirl, but would like to add: Each of us surely defines character differently. However, many of the traits she listed above are what most of us would define as being of GOOD character. Character is a collection of traits, some natural, some cultured, which define who a person is. Character is also a set of traits we each look for when we want to associate with specific types of people.
  • I believe it means to have integrity.
  • Someone with character does what's right, even when it's unpopular. They own up to their shortcomings and try to do better next time. J.C. Watts defined character as "Doing what's right when no one is looking" Dwight Moody said "Character is what you are in the dark" and that's about the best definition I've read.
  • To me, it means doing the right thing, even when no one is looking or would know otherwise.

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