• Here's the official Humane Society list of what not to feed a pet: Alcoholic beverages Apple seeds Apricot pits Avocados—toxic to birds, mice, rabbits, horses, cattle and dairy goats Cherry pits Candy (particularly chocolate, which is toxic to dogs, cats and ferrets, and any candy containing the sweetener Xylitol) Coffee (grounds, beans, chocolate covered espresso beans) Grapes Hops (used in home beer brewing) Macadamia nuts Moldy foods Mushroom plants Mustard seeds Onions and onion powder Peach pits Potato leaves and stems (green parts) Raisins Rhubarb leaves Salt Tea (caffeine) Tomato leaves and stems (green parts) Walnuts Yeast dough I don't see almonds on there but I wouldn't risk it anyway.
  • NO. They are toxic along with similar things such as peach pits.
  • I feed them to my dog all the time, he eats alot and is a very healthy dog

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