• In Australia you can indeed do those jobs. Other countries I am not sure about.
  • In many parts of the US, if you are under 16 you have to have a work permit to hold a job. Your school counselor should be able to help you with getting one. In many cities or states, if you are under 16 you cannot work after 10 pm. Try googling "laws about juvenile employees" and the name of your state to get some answers.
  • It really depends on the state. Some states are "Right To Work" and in those states you can begin working at 14 or 15. Although you can't work over 20 hours per week or past 7pm. Also if the store is not union they can also pay you lower then federal minimum. The goverment might of changed that in the past couple years but it still might be a problem. Some states will only let you work during the summer as well. Also I'd go for the grocery clerk job. You only have to deal with crappy customers for 3 minutes instead of 30. You can check out to find out more. Good Luck!
  • It depends on where you live. In the US, a 15 year old is allowed to work as long as they've obtained a worker's permit and as long as they follow the guidelines (which vary a bit by state). There are certain positions you won't be able to fill like kitchen positions or deli positions because you have to be 18 to operate most of the appliances. Also, you may not be able to wait tables at an establishment that serves alcohol since you have to be a certain age for that.
  • Yeah..but i'm pretty sure that a 15 year cannot work before 7 am or after 7 pm unless it's a weekend or summer cause they can't work after 7 on a school day or whatnot

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