• because you sound like you want it
  • Just luck of the draw. I got called like 6 months after I was elligable, but I didn't get selected, so I got off the hook, thank god! lol
  • Because you play with yourself at night. =|
  • I have also never been called. I have been a US citizen for 33 years; I am a registered voter; have a driver's license; am on the tax rolls and everything else they are supposed to draw from. I have excellent credit, have never been convicted of a felony or been a member of the Communist Party or anything else that (as far as I know) is supposed to disqualify you. There is a lady I work with has been called twice in the five years I have worked with her, but for whatever reason I have never been summoned. I used to wonder if it was maybe because I was naturalized rather than a native-born citizen, until a few years ago when my father got summoned within a year of his becoming a US citizen. I don't know why.
  • I dunno but I would be thankful that you haven't. It's an absolute shitshow and it amazed me. I was pretty young and thought it'd be a good experience but it just showed me how all the elders and other people there with me lied through their teeth to get out of there. So I did the same after the first day because there was no goddamn way I was going to sit there for another 8 hours watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding while other people got off the hook.
  • I'd also like to add, if you've seen Lets Go To Prison ( I think that movies hilarious but not everyone shares my opinion on that one) "A jury is made up of 12 people who are so stupid they couldn't find an excuse to get out of jury duty." - John Lashytski

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