• All dogs have different personalities and interests. It seems likely that, in a house of 5 dogs, your dog was not getting the attention she needed. Now that she is an only dog, she is revelling in the attention and love. I'd say, give her some time on this: she is probably really happy just to get the strokes. In time, when she is settled a bit, try borrowing/making a few different toys and see if she is interested in any of them. For example, I have one dog who loves a rope toy, when the other shows no interest at all. The other dog loves to play with kongs and stuffed animals. If none of the toys work, then there *is* one other thing you can try. Chose a couple of tug-of-war toys or keep-away toys. Take them with you, then get down on the floor over the toys like another dog. Dogs have a specific 'play bow' -- hind legs up, front legs stretched out in front, sometimes with a bit of bounce. This is their universal invitation to play. If your dog still shows no interest in playing after you do the play bow a few times, then likely she just is not into playing, period.
  • My dog is the same sometimes. She just wants affection right now. she will let you know when she wants to play. Usually when I come home from work she just wants her belly scratched and to lay down next to me. Its the times when I am home all day that she wants to play. The tug of war toys work great and they are her favorite. One person once recommended that I let my dog choose her toy and that will help. Sure enough she found the expensive ones to be interesting but she plays with them all the time. And when I am least expecting it she comes running into my arms with a rope in her mouth wanting to play. Give her some time and she should open up.

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