• Enjoy it!!! Do what makes you happy, not what society dictates you should do. :-)
  • Not if you are happy single. There are difinite advantages to a single life. But there are disadvantages if you want to live your life with a person next to you as well.
  • i'm pondering the same question. being single's good when you need to focus on yourself an have a goal to reach. relationships aren't exactly helpful in those situations because they're distracting, but what about when you really need someone at three in the morning to speak to? not an easy choice. and, your borfriend's attitude and problems are going to bother you all the time, even when you don't know that they do. I think that if you're going to have a boyfriend, you both have to be independant enough to function if the other isn't around. he can't be 'your everything'. I sometimes wish I can be single and in a relationship at the same time, but no one can do that. i think you should try to find someone, but make sure you'll be happy with them for a long time before doing anything serious. You don't want to always doubt if he's 'the guy' for you. stick with him no matter what, and when you need alone time, he'll always be there for you when you return. that's what love should be like.

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