• Your question is too general. Computers were made in the 1940's, but they could only do simply algebra and took up entire rooms. So, when did WHAT come out? Personal computers? Military computers? Also, the internet started with 3 government labs wanting to communicate with eachother. I forget the exact year. But you say 'available'. Is this, available to the masses? Cheap? Attainable? Gotta be more specific.
  • Many consider Englishman Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine back in 1837 to be the first computer. The first electronic programmable computer is widely held to be Colossus, developed in 1942-43 in Station X, Bletchly Park, England. It was used to crack the Enigma codes which were encrypted orders relayed by the Germans in WWII. The Web was created around 1990 by the Englishman Tim Berners-Lee and the Belgian Robert Cailliau working at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Sources:

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