• No, not at all. They are quite understanding.
  • no if i dnt want to talk to them i wont but i dnt have that problem
  • nop all my family members are very socialble
  • Yes my family members are a bit uptight and I always feel like I have to socialize with them on Holidays even if I don't feel like it :(
  • Yes. My family is nuts. If I didn't socialize with them (weekly phone calls, birthday cards, etc) they would just start showing up at my house, which would be worse. I treat it like taking medicine. If I didn't deal with it in small doses, I would have to deal with it all at once. *shudder*
  • If the room is quiet..leave it be..Don't feel obligated until someone changes their attitude...
  • At times I really do feel the obligation. My side of the family is not around so they call more than anything. But even with that there are times when I just don't feel like talking on the phone with them. Guilt Trip sets in and I eventually give in and call back or email or whatever. +5 great question
  • yes all the time because were not very close.

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