• yes I do
  • No, I don't. But isn't wonderful that we can be here side by side, each being respectful of the other and his or her beliefs?
  • I don't believe in any gods. May I ask, which god you believe in? There are quite a few.
  • yes i do
  • I geuss you could say I'm Agnostic more than anything, if God does exist, he has some explaining to do. "Lucy! You got some 'splainin to do!"
  • Very much so.
  • I believe in the God of the Bible. The creator of the heavens and the earth.
  • No, I believe in a higher power.. could be aliens that put us in this petri dish of a planet
  • No. I am an atheist, as I'm sure many of you are aware. But I don't have a problem with any religious person, as long as they do't spout it all over me all the tie and try to convert me etc. But surely the way the question is asked, it should be god lowercase, since you refer to it as "a" god, not "the" God.
  • Absolutely. I believe in the Goddess, the God, and many specific deities.
  • Absolutely. I believe in the Goddess, the God, and many specific deities.
  • don't really know. that's a question with a million answers.none right,none there a "higher being"? i believe so.
  • YES,i believe in a God.
  • absolutely
  • No, I gave that up along with santa and the easter bunny.
  • yes dear I do.
  • Yes i do very strongly
  • He never talks to me so i dunno...
  • I believe in something, but I don't call it God, I don't have a name for it. I am not suggesting my beliefs are what anyone else should think.
  • Noooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  • I have this concept in my head of what an eternal, divine force might do with all of time and an infinite number of universes to play with, if that is what you mean, YES.
  • Yes he does, read the bible it is there for a reason. It is him reaching out to you. The bible are all of God's thoughts. There you will find your answer, and for what the future of this world holds. And as the saying goes "God works in mysterious ways" You never know that when a stranger comes to assist you it could be God? That a homeless person came knocking on your door asking for food? These things, God could be using it to test you on how much good is in your heart.
  • I doubt it. Does he believe in Me?
  • What's not to believe? What you should be asking, is do you believe in A God?... there are many differant types of diety to choose from. Do I believe in a God, maybe, it's not really any of your concern what I believe... and I Q the means of your curiosity... most would find it offensive that you pry to find out. A relationship with a diety is a personal one, it is not something to rub other peoples face into. Exposing ones faith or belief sets them up to be criticized, belittled, and stereotyped by others of differant faiths, beliefs, religions, and opinions. I am not surprised others have avoided being honest answering this Q.
  • Sure I believe in God, why else would anything exist?
  • I do what I can in this world. God is responsible for all those other awful things I can't prevent.
  • Yes, ardently.
  • Nicht im geringfügigsten. "Not in the slightest." (German, you trolls, get an education.)
  • Yes, I do, but I am aware, that there are many concepts of God, so I will say, that I believe in the God, that the bible speaks of.
  • Nope. Occam's razor and all that logic. Tiring I know.
  • Yes, I do. I commune with her every night.
  • I believe there are mysterious forces at work in things like the creation of the Universe. I do not believe for a moment in a stern Abrahamic God who micromanages events on Earth and punishes those who "sin". I do not believe there is "one true god" or one true prophet. I believe that everyone has their own spirituality, which it is never productive to discuss with others. People who proseletyse and preach should be treated with contempt, however well-meaning their actions.
  • Yes. God helps me with every thing in life and God helps everyone else in life also. Some people dont believe God exists and well i respect that if they have a different religion or no religion at all but I believe in God and i believe he has and will always be there for me. So, Yes.
  • Yes, everything needs a designer and a builder.
  • Yes. But I may not have the same concept of God as another person does. A person's relationship with God is a very personal thing.
  • No, I do not beleive in any God(s)/Godess(es).
  • I believe in God being 100% pure positive energy.It is the God that I have found so far that is everywhere and in everything.And this concept has givin me enlightnment to all the things that I did not understand before.Meaning,I can still agree with most all religions that claim to know the one true God,and all religions that believe in several different ones,while still being without a religion of any kind.Thank you.
  • Yes and no, i can not be sure......I don't trust the bible or anythnig in it, but who's to say there isn't a higher power of some sort, I'll eventually find out in the end.
  • Used to, but now my faith is shaking.
  • Yes I do. But I am dyslexic.
  • no, because no ones better then me... its just not possible, ok i was j/p but w/e, i believe that something had to start it, but then again what started that, cause and effect means that there is a history that we can never fully understand so why bother?
  • Yes, I do believe in God.
  • Yes! When you know that something always had to be there, then you have to wonder... was it an intelligence or a speck of something that started everything. Then you look around at everything and the balance required for life and planets and stars etc... and you have to admit that this all started somehow. Nobody looks at a painting and says "Look what happened on that canvas!", they look at the artists name. Then, I studied why different religions believe what they believe, studied into other historical writings not in the bible, and came to the conclusion that based on evidence, and witnesses, that the God of the bible is the real one. I love Josh McDowell books because he set out to disprove the bible and christian ideas and found out otherwise. His writings are investigative rather than emotion based.
  • Which one(s)?
  • Im not sure. I wouldnt say definately no because.. no one knows for sure. Ive got enough to worry about in this life, i dont know what the big deal is with the next one. It's either gonna be there or it's not! There's no point in spending all of life life we have worrying or even wondeing about it.
  • Yes. And the Christ- and the Holy Spirit.
  • yes i do.
  • yes..but I also believe in Satan...where there is good then there is also evil
  • I don't believe in him, but I understand why people do. I understand the need for religion, the want to believe, the security, but it's not something I'm looking for. If it was something I needed, I would find reasons to believe. I respect religion.. and christianity, but it's not for me.
  • Yes, I definitely do, and God has been helping me through some of the most difficult times of my life right now. I am extremely thankful for him.
  • I am an agnostic that believes in duplicate questions: ;-) Edit * Ankhorite: Or even closer,
  • Im Catholic and yes I do.
  • Everyone has to have something to believe in. Always man was searching for something greater than himself. We need that. That is part of life. It helps us be able to cope. Life is hard and we have to have that little bit of "hope" there, whatever we believe God to be. Yes I believe in the Living Spirit within, which is God.
  • Yes, through him all things are possible.
  • Honestly I'm not gunna lie i do not believe in god.. because i do not believe one person created the world.. i believe many things.. and also if there was a god wouldn't he have come to Earth by now???
  • I do not believe IN God, but if I did I would be sceptical about what he/she said because I am just that kind of person :P
  • after thinking it over yes- and I can't explain- theres just nothing better to believe in
  • I think god believes in me.... I am a real threat to his domain... but they say a little competition is good for the soul
  • I do not have one doubt in my mind that he does not exist. I know he's there with me constantly. Many events in life have shown me his kind heart. It's interesting that people always say, "well why didn't he save my dad or my family member"? And i understand the question i questioned that when my friend died, but people don't seem to get that we are not God's puppets. We have freedom and we have evil...If we are God's children we are protected but you can not question why some are taken...we don't have an answer for that. It's beyond a humans mind to understand every detail, and evil always questions...The devil works in mysterious ways in this world, and sometimes he's evil powers are beyond obvious.
  • Yes, because of Jesus. We can know without doubt that the Gospel records give an accurate summary of his life and teachings (textual criticism/ confirmation from other contemporary documents). He made many claims to be God: eg I and the Father are One He who has seen me has seen the Father Before Abraham was, I am. Only God can forgive sins (and Jesus did) Only God can calm the storm (and he did) etc Now if Jesus made these claims there are three possibilities: 1)He was lying- in which case, he was not a good person, not a good teacher 2)He was a lunatic- I might as well follow The Great Poached Egg 3) He was who he said he was :Lord and God.
  • nope. I've studied several religions, and even more of the sciences, and I just cannot bring myself to think there is a 'god'. The whole concept just seems absurd to me.
  • There are all kinds of people out there, some believe that Elvis is alive, some believe in spiritual healing, some voodoo, different Gods, different religions, etc etc etc.. Generally I think people are insecure and they need to believe in something. So whatever rocks your boat, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody I'm OK with it.
  • yes cuz if you dont believe then wats left?
  • I was raised the total opposite, for my parents didn't care much about religion. I rebelled and read the bible at a pace which I soon acknowledged he was my creator and my father. I don't doubt this because it is an internal belief that comes from within me.
  • Yes I believe God. I have been wearing a blue string around my wrist for a couple of years because I believe God. He has yet to disappoint me. I believe God is who He says He is. I believe God can do what He says He can do. I believe I am who God says I am. I believe I can do all things through Christ. I believe God's word is alive and active in me.
  • Yes because I heard him talking to me when I was 19 and he hasn't stopped.
  • I believe in the "god" within us ALL. There is no "out there" or "up there god".
  • Cutting and pasting my answer to this question: I believe in an earthly plane and a spiritual plane. I do not believe in the view of God in which he is a domineering, tyrannical, super strict "father" figure who punishes people harshly for their mistakes. I believe in a universal higher power/energy that is within everything and everyone. It's not necessarily something to be worshiped, but instead something to be nurtured and cultivated for the greater good.
  • If he's telling the truth
  • I believe that there is life elsewhere on other planets far away. I would also like to believe in some sort of creator and also an afterlife would be rather nice, but I'm too pragmatic, so I'll just go along with the aliens.
  • some-where in between. i'm kinda confused about it all.
  • I believe that Deity exists. I also believe that we are not the only life forms in the universe. I do not believe that these other life forms visit us.
  • I am Agnostic so basically I'm unsure as to an existent of a God, Gods or any form of deity in general and I believe knowledge of such an existence is unknowable by mankind. I think there probably are aliens of some kind somewhere else in the Universe although I sincerely doubt life on other planets would bare any similarity to those aliens portrayed in fiction. Even if there are aliens somewhere out there, I don't think humans will ever come into contact with them.
  • I'm almost positive that God doesn't exist, and I'm almost positive that extra-terrestrials DO exist.
  • I'm an agnostic, I don't think there is any proof of a God and I'm not much for blind faith. If there is a God, I tend to think he may not be as kind as people give him credit. If you had the power to change terrible things and chose not to, I would have a problem with you too. I do believe that there is probably other life forms out there, although I doubt they consider themselves aliens. There has to be other planets the same distance from other Suns that can support life, and where there is life I think there are "Darwinian things" occurring. (I'm just gonna wait over here in the corner for the negs to come after that one ;)
  • Yes I do. Watch out though, I see that they are already marking you down for your faith. Welcome to answerbag black girl pirate.
  • You do what to god? What does Bi Live mean? If you mean BElive, no I do not.
  • Do you mean, god as in an omnipotent creator of everything existing outside of everything? Or god as in some mysterious force that unites us all together? Or god as in god is our conscience? Or god as in an analogy for morality - god is good? Or God as in everything is God? Or God as in whatever God tells the Pope (insert your religious leader here) to tell us about God, is God? Or GOD as in GOD KNOWS WHAT I'M REALLY ASKING?
  • No i don't I'm an atheist.
  • Yes I believe in god but am not a christian
  • Yeah, but it doesn't mean much coming from me.
  • Yes I do believe in God. I don't always go to church but i consider myself a christian. I think alot of people go to church for show. I'm not judging anyone, I just meant God knows my heart, and thats all that matters.
  • I do believe in God. Thanks for asking.
  • Of course, and He believes in me.
  • No. I will not say there is not a god but I do not believe there is one. I am agnostic.
  • Again Please , Check Your Categories and if a question has already been asked and this is a Duplicate Question , just go down the list that is provided before clicking submit
  • Yes, I do.
  • I do believe that there is a higher power...however, I don't subscribe to any particular religion.
  • I've been questioning that for the last 2 years and I just don't know any more. It would be really hard to say there isn't one ,so for now I do belive because I have believed all my life...but still I wonder.

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