• This is something that your subconsciousness could fabricate out of your thoughts. How to get rid of it? Every time you think of your cousin, say "I like you dear, and trust you with all my heart." This will counteract the negative feeling in your mind that causes the insecurity.
  • Is there a reason you are jealous of your cousin other than this dream you had?
  • Do you have a computer. I hope you do. If so go to it and write down all the things you have been wondering about over the past three months. Why are you so afraid. Are you a cutie with no personality? Do you actually see them grining and talking a lot to each other? Confront your cousin in a nice way and ask for a heartfelt answer about your boyfriend. If she answers to the affirmative, then, don't get mad, get a good cry out of yourself and sat some new goals for your life and move on. We are creative beings and have the power to change the way we think and see the world. Try it!

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