• All kinds of dictionaries and encyclopedias are always welcome.
  • All kinds but I wouldnt like to think that books became exstint..there's nothing like a book!!!!
  • fiction book would be nice!
  • Many of them are out there as we speak - with more arriving every day. One of the pioneers - based on hours and hours of volunteer transcription hours - waaaay before Google started scanning books - is Project Gutenberg. You can visit their main entry page here: So many fictional classics are already available. Please do note, however, that sites like Project Gutenberg has a licensing agreement. It's about using their version of a work and using their trademark vs having to locate an original source book on your own then do your own transcription or scan. Note also that here - and elsewhere - check to see which public domain they mean. Project Gutenberg is very careful to say the e-books there free are in teh public domain according to copyright law in the United States. Any of those books may not be if you live in a different country. Works by the US Government go directly into the public domain, for example - while in the UK, govt work are under copyright to the Crown for (I've forgotten how many years). If you add Google books, then even more books come up. I do genealogy research and I've found LOTS of local history books. Some - I've previously had to use only in the Reference section of a library - or buy they - but couldn't borrow them. Now, if in the public domain, Google may have it and I can download a PDF file! I've gotten several books on colonial times in Connecticut, for example. Sorry - I'm not so much saying what I'd like to find as what I'm using! There are even some old magazines online now. Some 1800s magazines can be great fun to see how new inventions were announced as a "new thing" at that time - or how "domestic work" was defined - public attitudes - science & medicine - even the advertisements show us something. Ok, I'll stop typing. I'm just excited that so much is out there.
  • I wouldn't be a subscriber. I'm a hands-on person..I like to hold the book in my hands. I prefer libraries and bookstores to the internet..that's also why I subscribe to two newspapers the feel of it, the smell of it, the three-dimensional aspect of it! :)

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