• "Price check on isle 3"
  • Just a small answer. Here we have people who can not properly speak english. When the guy came to the pharmacist, he asked the lade for a candoom. To him it sounded most like condom should be in english.
  • My sister still likes to relate the story that when she and her first husband had completed the sex act, she pulled the condom off of him, and ran to the bathroom with it and washed it out and hung it up to dry thinking they could be re-used because back in the day, I'm guessing they must have been pretty expensive. LOL
  • yea...I bought the worlds most expensive box of condoms ever. The one and only time I went to buy condoms I was sooo embarassed that I ended up buying lots of things to cover the box up when I got to the register. I was so shakken that instead of one or two items to cover the box I took no chances and bought half a cart of My hubby never sent me again.
  • no, i get the condoms for free haha at planned parenthood....but wait yeah...i think i do!...when i went shopping for my frnds bday present i bought her like 2 boxes of condoms and the lady just stared at me like WTF? lol...but that wasnt really embarresing, but it felt akward lol
  • I was shopping for a box of condoms at the CVS near where I worked. I searched for but didn't find exactly the type I wanted. Just then a clerk (male, thankfully)came along and asked if he could help me find something. I told him what I wanted but he confirmed that if it wasn't out they'd sold all of that type. Simple enough, but he seemed, shall we say, interested in my buying rubbers. The conversation was friendly and got a little too much into details - we were talking about "fucking" essentially. Finallly, I grabbed a box of some kind or other and felt really embarrased, but hey, we both enjoyed our chat!
  • I used to work in a chemists when I was a teenager. In our house anything to do with sex or periods or men/women was strictly a taboo subject and NEVER EVER discussed, so when a man came to the till with a packet of tampons and a packet of condoms I could have passed out, but by the end of the day I realised that these things are a part of life and couldnt have been shocked if anyone had come up to the till with 100 packets of the things! My son of 19 and myself talk about sex and relationships together very easily as I said I would never let my child grow up without someone he could go to and discuss these important issues. Sorry this isnt a good answer is it? No, I dont have an embarrassing story.
  • A lot of my friends in high school would just steal them for fear of embarassment. Luckily (or unfortunately) I never got laid in high school so I never had to worry. During college though, I was up at my cabin with my girlfriend at the time and we both went to the checkout stand with a box of condoms, travel shampoo, jalapeno hot cheddar dip, and Rolaids (on account of the cheddar dip). We weren't trying to hide anything...I just really wanted nacho cheese.
  • The guy on the counter turned out to be my girlfriend's father :D
  • Once, whem paying for supper at a restaurant, I took my credit card out of my wallet. Unfortunately as I pulled out the card, a condom went flying out of the wallet and landed in my dates lap.
  • Before we lived together, I drove to see my girlfriend on the weekends, which naturally involved a stop somewhere for condoms (when we used them). Since she knew I was stopping, she asked me to pick up peanut butter, as she was craving peanut butter cookies. I grabbed the condoms, a jar of peanut butter and a bouquet of flowers and headed to the checkout. I didn't put the pieces together until the guy working the checkout looked at the only three items that I had with a bit of amusement. I was almost embarrassed until I thought, "Who cares if he knows I'm getting laid tonight?"

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