• A crush is someone that you feel those butterfly feelings about but then they go away after awhile. When you like someone, the feeling stays with you, but it is a little stronger. These feelings could turn to being more than just "like" if the other person is willing. Loving someone means that you willing to do anything for that person, life has taken on a whole new meaning, there is always a smile on your face and sometimes the biggest problems will seem like nothing because you have someone in your life to help you through and love you no matter what. Hope this breaks it down for you and helps.
  • If you can't find a single flaw in the person, it's a crush. If you can find flaws, but assume they will go away and you overlook them, it's liking someone. If you find someone you really care about, they are good to you, and you are willing to take them as they are, flaws included, then it's love. You have to be willing to work with people. Remember, nobody's perfect.

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