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  • You can smoke nutmeg if you wish, but it won't have any effect, so it seems kind of pointless to do so. Nutmeg is generally ingested. Apparently it's not a great high. Here's what one experimenter says: "Nutmeg intoxication did not seem particularly euphoric in any way or pleasing to me. This may be why nutmeg remains legal and why few people, given alternatives to nutmeg, choose nutmeg anyway as a recreational drug. The nutmeg high more strongly resembled flu than a marijuana high as others have claimed. I felt no pleasant sensations from this drug whatsoever, though conversely, I did not feel especially bad either. Mostly feelings of unease and nervousness dominated. I felt very eager to return to normal so that I could go to sleep. Nutmeg interrupted my ability to sleep." You can read more about it here: and here:
  • I have done it and it does barely anything. I slightly felt odd and I had tinnitus and also couldn't sleep. Not a good choice!
  • Smoking nutmeg will do nothing except inflame your lungs. Eating it.. well.. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is psychoactive, but at doses that also cause severely unpleasant symptoms. Nutmeg might be metabolized into amphetamine-like compounds which cause hallucinations, but is counterbalanced by extreme nausea, retching, sweating, diplopia, severe headache, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle weakness, anxiety, panic, agitation, sympathetic storm.. Unless refined it is not worth the trouble.
  • Taken in high doses, nutmeg can be quite intoxicating, partly because it's similar in chemical makeup to MDMA. Nutmeg causes symptoms such as stupor, drowsiness, delirium and sleep. Many prison inmates have known about it and used it for years, which is why most prisons have banned the use of this spice! About 14 grams (two tablespoons) taken by mouth cause a rather unpleasant, dreamlike "trip". Other symptoms include a rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, and thirst. Agitation, apprehension, and a sense of impending doom may last about 12 hours, with a sense of unreality persisting for several days. Nutmeg contains five to 15 per cent myrista oil, which is responsible for the physical effects. About four per cent is Myristicin, which is structurally similar to mescaline. (Mace, the exterior covering of the Nutmeg seed, also contains the hallucinogenic compound myristicin). Elemicin is another potent psychoactive ingredient in nutmeg. Similar to SSRI antidepressants such as Prozac, Myristicin blocks the release of serotonin from brain neurones. Scientists believe that once the substance enters the body it's converted to methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) -- ecstasy. Side Note - Heroin is often cut with as nutmeg, sucrose, starch, caffeine, chalk, powdered milk, flour, talcum powder.
  • You dont smoke nutmeg. what you do is grind about 6 nuts up and make it up into a tea.
  • This shit is the worste way ever to get high... after reading this i tried it, i ate an entire bottle of ground nutmeg... almost puked, and was gagging for a while, there is almost no high at all... only bad stuff i feel is stomach aches, other than that, i dont reccomend this as an easy cheap way to get high. i wouldnt even call this a high.... also, if anything, it made me tired
  • What to do: -get 3 nuts -grind them or crush them...whatever floats ur boat -eat them -trip for about 5 hrs -not sleep for a night -when u sleep it goes away ok im tired of all the lies...yes it makes u trip, it has low side effects in normal doses and you wont die from 2 nuts. you can smoke them but its hard. snort them and its quite fun. to eat it dont put it in luqid it makes the flavor worse. dont eat the whole bottel only about 5-10 grams, and use common sence please. i love it dont say its bad when you eat too much
  • i've done it and i found it a better high than weed it was a close comparision and like any drug u can overdose on nutmeg. i've found it takes quite a bit of time to kick in and i only felt te side effects it i took too much. im still trying to get a trip off of it and im taking more and more each time. if anyone knows any other forsure ways of getting high off nutmeg besides by mouth plz answer and also remember if nothing happend then u didn't take enought and if u threw up then u ate too much or u had too much liquid in ur stomatch ... when u use a drink to get it down use as little as possilbe! and remember! evegyones body is different so peoples effects on the same dose will most of the time be different. try it yourself and dont take too much or u will overdose and have a bad time!
  • well earlyer today i smoked 2 bowls of it with my friend and i felt nothing, but wen i looked over at my freind he was humping a garbage can saying the coffee has too much smurfs. he was soo baked. after that i drank 5 teaspoons of it by putting it in my mouth and chugging alot of water untill it was compleately down, it has been about 5 hours now and all i feel is a little nauziated, tierd and light headed. im thinking about taking 2 more teaspoons but i dbout it will do anything. people say that it has different effect on different people and unfortunately it has NO effect on me. smoking it hurts the lungs and tastes awful. if your going to use it i recomend eating it. and if your like me and dont feel anything, just stick to greens(weed).
  • I tried smoking it and it did nothing, but I have taken large doses orally on numerous occasions and well, I was high for like 3 to 4 days. The high is comparable to weed. The very first trip I had was in school, and I took almost half a bottle, then went to my next class and seen the floor all wavy when I looked at it and I also seen a piece of paper on the floor turn into a duck!
  • DO NOT EAT, SMOKE,OR SNORT NUTMEG!!!!! It is the worst high i ever got. It is disgusting! I threw up twice will trying to eat the nutmeg-it deont even taste bad but in lare quantities it feels like you are eating fucking sand! Just don't be cheep and go buy some real druggs cause nutmeg is a rediculous alterintive.-----It is true that it has diferent on diferent people, as do all drugs, but the chances of it working are slim. If you choose not to take my addvice and are desperite, just remeber you have to take ALOT about 1/3 of a bottle (roughly 12 grams). PLEASE HEED MY WARNING AND FIGHT FOR THE LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA!
  • DO NOT EAT, SMOKE,OR SNORT NUTMEG!!!!! It is the worst high i ever got. It is disgusting! I threw up twice will trying to eat the nutmeg-it deont even taste bad but in lare quantities it feels like you are eating fucking sand! Just don't be cheep and go buy some real druggs cause nutmeg is a rediculous alterintive.-----It is true that it has diferent on diferent people, as do all drugs, but the chances of it working are slim. If you choose not to take my addvice and are desperite, just remeber you have to take ALOT about 1/3 of a bottle (roughly 12 grams). PLEASE HEED MY WARNING AND FIGHT FOR THE LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA!
  • No dont smoke it thats dumb. Smoking it is just going to hurt your lungs with little or no effect, it's not worth it... Eat a whole bottle of nutmeg and have a trip it works for me. I mix it in chacolate milk or lemondade. Sometimes I put it in capsules so not to have to deal with the taste and texture. By the way nutmeg works differently in everybody, like there are "the nutmegg people" then some peopple have nausea dir but some people (like me) trip hard makes me feel drunk and like I ate a 1/2 of a mushroom... slightly euphoric. But when I ate it, it lasted 24 hours and made my eyes red, blurry, I felt tired and a drunkeness all day, made me go to sleep, but did have gas and diarrhea but thats all.
  • okay i did something really stupid, and i'm willing to admit it. i was bored, what can i say. I'm pretty fucked up, but i haven't slept...and i've had some shots and smoked a few bowls...but i put a tiny leaf of catnip on my bowl(bored) and hit it...felt weird, but it was just because i haven't slept....put some nutmeg on my bowl and smoked it(stupid)...felt really really palms are sweaty and i'm thirsty like normal side effects...but i feel really heavy...not sure how long this is going to last, but for those of you who say smoking it has no effect...i don't think that's entirely accurate.
  • okay i did something really stupid, and i'm willing to admit it. i was bored, what can i say. I'm pretty fucked up, but i haven't slept...and i've had some shots and smoked a few bowls...but i put a tiny leaf of catnip on my bowl(bored) and hit it...felt weird, but it was just because i haven't slept....put some nutmeg on my bowl and smoked it(stupid)...felt really really palms are sweaty and i'm thirsty like normal side effects...but i feel really heavy...not sure how long this is going to last, but for those of you who say smoking it has no effect...i don't think that's entirely accurate.
  • Well, different things affect different poeple in different ways. To get a good overview, try: then you can compare different users' experiences.
  • Personally, I have come to the conclusion that the 'Nutmeg Peopel' are kinda rare. Because I just tried eating half a bottle last night, and aside from laughing non-stop for 2 minutes, felt none of the desired effects. And out of everyone I know who's tried it, only one has started tripping.
  • nutmeg is fuckin tight bitches people have compared it to pot, heroin, and alcohol. personally i take nutmeg b4 i go 2 sleep at night cuz it takes a solid 6 hours to kick in completely and wake up with eyes so red ppl think i stayed up all night smokin chronic. make sure ur schedule is cleared for 36 hours if u take it. 0.75-1.25 grams per 10 lbs of body mass roughly. start slow dont be dumb and eat half a bottle right off the bat.and get a fuckin scale to weigh it out respect it yall. its a strong drug and if u dont respect it. it WILL fuck u up the asshole 10 times straight and splurge on ur face. trust me.
  • yo i dont know about you but if you want the real effect do it yourself it will take you for a ride
  • LISTEN UP: It worked for me. It worked very, very well. It had the EXACT same effects as bud does for me. I ate 2 tablespoons. I mixed in with yogurt and I could barely taste it, so if you try, that is a good ingestion option. It took about 6 hours. My eyes got SO RED. And all the skin around them turned purple. I didn't have any open eyed visuals, but I think if I take a little more next time, it could happen. As far as smoking it goes, I would not suggest it. The taste is gross and the effects are really not nearly as strong. Oh! And make sure you buy whole nutmeg and grind it yourself. The pre-ground stuff is less potent.
  • Yea well I just ate probly a gram or 2 and so far I feel nothing. But I will be very excitied if something happens i have no weed on this very slow night so im looking to get my high on.
  • Me and my buddy's where really blasted one night and where running out, so we smoked some nutmeg because a couple of them saw on spike t.v that it gets you off. After smoking a couple of bong bowls of it we felt more stoned. however the effects where really small and only lasted about 30 min. Then a few days later me and a buddy wanted to get stoned so we smoked a couple nutmeg faty's and felt no effects at all, unless you count stupidity as one. I think that it only has marijuana effects if you bong it right after marijuana.
  • anyone that says it doesn't work I can't believe how ignorant you guys are I just emptied a lil tobacco out of my cigarette and replaced it with nutmeg I'm actually feeling high I'm about to smoke some more IF YOU WANT BETTER EFFECTS DO WHAT I DID or SMOKE A CIG USE THE ASH TO COVER UP THE HOLE IN A PIPE POUR NUTMEG ON TOP ABOUT HALF A BOWL AND SMOKE IT TO DA DOME!
  • I guess you could call me a nutmeg person. I have taken it around 10 or 11 times in the last year and love it. At first, I only take about a tablespoon or so at about 11:30 am. then i wait till about 6 or 7 pm and the drug starts to kick in. The first few times you try it, the effects are a little like being drunk or "almost" high on weed. Then after about 3 or 4 times using it you will start to be able to trip hard, ive even seen shit. Now when i take it, it only takes about 3 to 4 hours to kick in and i trip like a motherfucker, i now prefer it over weed even. Only problem is that you have to plan yoru day around it. Dont take it past 1:30 pm and be prepared to feel it for a little bit the next day. peace.
  • I smoked a couple bowls of nutmeg 4 hours ago. and i don't feel high. im just gonna stick to bud
  • i have smoked 4 bowls of it with some friends of mine the only side effect i got was light headdedness then i slept fo about 11 hours. i am gonna try agian but this tiem i will eat it with yogurt. see if that makes me trip. iwill reply bac with the results
  • I'm old school at my age, don't smoke anything that is illegal. The laws nowadays pertain to this as much as drinking and driving. Never touched the stuff and never will. Smoking marijuana goes on to a little crack, then heroin, then you brain gets fried.
  • you can smoke marijuana like marijuana...guaranteed to have a drug like effect...just blaze..
  • I just smoked a little bit, an by the looks of it I am really getting tired. Tomorrow morning I will take two teaspoons before school. I'll reply after school.
  • You can, I think it takes about two bowls for most to feel anything. I am trying it right now to see what the high is like, it has a similar atomic structure to ecstacy, I never wanted to take it because street e has lots of impurifications.. such as meth.. for anybody who doesn't know meth is bad, it makes holes in your brain. Ecstacy can be used for 'fun' or it can be used for religious or shamanic purposes, or for meditative purposes. The same can be said for most drugs that grow from the earth ;p That is why I am smoking nutmeg so I can alter my meditation. My friend decided to smoke 2 bowls one night, and said the effects were euphoric in nature. Luckily he didn't have any of the negative side effects to boot. Such as constipation, drowsiness, vomitting, dizziness or extensive sleeping. I noticed some comments/answers, one in particular. Which states smoking marijuana, leads to smoking a little crack, and then a little heroin.. Well this is true.. if you put a can in front of leads to smoki.. The same could be said about listening to music, listening to music can lead to smoking marijuana, which can lead to smoking crack, which can lead to you stabbing a prostitute and robbing her/him of his/her money, then buy more crack smoke it, and that can lead to impregnating your mother.. or the female version, having lesbian sex with your mother..... Lol, smoking crack happens from being of a certain perspective, not from smoking marijuana.
  • It was a first time for me today, and it definitely had an effect. I grated a few nutmegs into a bowl. I took approximately a tablespoon and a half at first, mixed with hot chocolate (wouldn't recommend it to anyone else). I took another teaspoon about 2 hours later, this time just straight and I chased it with a few milk duds and reese's cups (haha). Any time I looked at wood grain (cabinets, hard-wood floors, etc.), it seemed to be moving and waving after just 2 hours or so. I began to feel groggy and very relaxed. At about 5 hours, I was finally able to sense my own wastedness and admit that I was on a trip. I actually enjoy it more than pot and like that I'll finally be able to sleep tonight. The feeling does stick around, so heed people's advice and plan your day around it. P.S. It is very easy to have a bad trip if you're worried about overdosing and being paranoid in getting busted (DON'T DO TOO MUCH! 2 Tablespoons MAX!). A good trip requires a positive attitude, relaxed settings, and maybe some calm tunes. If you start seeing things, don't freak out and just remember that you took nutmeg. That's the best way to approach it I believe.
  • you should probably ingest (eat) it , or drink it. i drank it in a glass of milk and it tasted better than trying to eat it dry, which tastes rank. it makes you really thirsty and REALLY tired. it made me feel a bit sick too. i've never done marijuana so i don't know how it compares, but it made my eyes really really red. it was OK, i'd probably do it again, but it dones carry on for over 24 hours.
  • i never tried to smoke it but i have once snorted it and got sick and had that shit stuck up my nose but that was like 14 yrs ago.
  • Iv smoked kinda gets me high but the effects do ware soon...I do get a little close to a weed-like High from it..
  • yes dude, i smoked like 3 tablespoons in a paper and got soo tripped out! im still a little high and the trips were weird but enjoyable... i would suggest nutmeg as kind of a starter or a trainer before moving to weed
  • NO it doesnt do anything i ate 4 tablespoons and smoke 6 table spoons it didnt do anything at all. dont even try it its rough as hell.
  • I would stick to putting it on eggnog.
  • No Tastes Like Shit Ans Dont Get U High Ima Jus Stick To BEautiful Buddha
  • ive smoked nutmeg it fells like ecstasy and lasted about a good 12 hours for me. if you smoke it the the high is instant
  • weed is the best creation on earth. nutmeg is for fucking pov ass beatches! y dont you inhale some fucking Pam while your at it if you are to fucking cheap to buy real drugs!
  • Weed is the best creation on planet earth! Nutmeg is for pov ass bitches! Why dont you snort some cheerios and sniff Pam while your at it if you're too fucking cheap to buy real drugs! OH Did you know that if you drink soemone elses piss, you start trippin balls! Try it you fucking retards, and tell all your frinds! Give love to the reefer! PEACE!!!!!!
  • DO NOT DO IT!!! it is extremely toxic to your liver, and many young kids have had seizures and died from doing this already. A girl i go to school (college) with has a sister who works in an emergency room and has seen the deadly effects first hand. if you must get high why dont you just smoke pot? it may be illegal but lets face it, its really not hard to find and its physically impossible to OD on (meaning it is basically the only "drug" known to man that cannot kill you no matter how much you smoke)
  • This is a hilarious thread! Go to a health food store or herb store and look for "00" size gel caps. They usually come in packs of 100 to 500. Dump your nutmeg onto a hard flat surface, and take half the gel cap and press it down into the pile a few times to pack it in. Repeat with the other half, but don't pack it tightly in the second half so you can assemble the pill easily. After you have about 12 to 20 pills made, wipe them off to make sure there isn't any nutmeg on the outer surface. Now you can simply swallow them one right after another without having the awful taste and texture to deal with (nutmeg sticks to itself, as well as your tongue and epiglottis, which is your dangly vomit switch at the back of your throat). If you take them a few hours before going to bed, when you wake up in the morning you will feel like you're flying, and it can actually gain in intensity for 6 more hours, before gradually coming down over the next day.
  • could u down the nutmeg with a little liquid and still get a good enough high? cuz eating the nutmeg by itself is a little rough. and another question, why cant u take nutmeg after 1:30 p.m.?
  • ok im hanna try the nutmeg in the cig and see what happons and i will brb
  • i have tried it once or twice. its an ok high bu the main problem lies in ingestion. 2 be honest it tasted horrible. its basically like eatin baby powder. if ur cheep and dnt wanna buy ani weed and can stomache it. have fun. if u throw it up however you will have to eat it again.. not pleasant. i tried smokin it.. still tasted like shit... try keepin toothpaste or mouth wash on your tounge will it feels numb. taste will be reduced. have fun kids
  • I tried it like a joint first and I had to keep lighting it, so I put it in the bowl and it smoked, but again wouldn't stay lit like pot. I smoked the 1 bowl and felt nothing so I gave up b/c I'd have to smoke like 15 bowls to reach 1 tbsp. I just scraped the bowl for resin...weed is so much better.
  • Well on wikipedia it says that when ingested in the human body, the chemicals in nutmeg create MDMA. Otherwise known as ecstacy. So I can't see how it WOULDN'T make you trip. Only thing is, it said it takes 6 hours to peak. So yes it will definitely cause a trip like sensation, and it also contains mild to medium hallucinogens. So good luck, should definitely work.
  • ok for the doubter's i know it sound's stupid.. but the fact's about it are there.. and it is true.. because of the oil it contains it can give you a trip..if digested in any way...all though it can kill you if you smoke to much.. i have tried it before... smoked it.. did not work for em at all.. tasted like shit... what i did was put 3 table spoons in a shot of shot of coke... the soda / pop what ever you want to call it... not the drug... and i did it like a shot real fast i thought it would taste gross but it wasent as bad as i thought it was.. i then stayed up all night waiting for the high to come.. it then hit me hard... it was the same feeling i get when you take a package of coraciden pill's( a cold med for diabetics) you can get it at walmart it is in the purple box the other ones won't work.. but it will give you a trip you have to take an intire package
  • Yea , u could try if u were Bored , But it would take alot ,and im sure its unplesant . Im not sure if Burning would Relases the intoxicating chemicals,try baking it like a Vaporizer , but i would try to extrac the chemicals if u could find out how, cuze all that nutmeg would ,be killer on ur lungs (or burn alot) :affects , im not sure what it would do , i really dount that smoking it is close to smoking weed, if it worked it could be like mild saliva, or somthing , but i Truly do not Know,, :try looking up research on plants around were u live , like danra , or passion flower , or wild lettaus ,catnip, idk ,, hope this helps
  • shit i did it and wasnt impressed but didnt take much ether so idk i might try again today becasue im suspended and have nothin to do. i still like my pot better.
  • You can get high off nutmeg. Though I don't recommend it. I read awhile back in a random google that you could and decided to try it. I mixed 3 teaspoons with water (horrible taste when its by itself) then took 1/2 teaspon and mixed it with tobacco and smoked it. after about 2 hours I felt a bit off almost sick. then about 4 hours later i was a bit dizzy and thought i heard laughter all around me even though i was at my house alone with jazz playing. after that it got weird and i started seeing things darting around just out of my line of sight. and im being completely honest. Dont do it because it sucks and the hangover sucks too. its the equivelant of getting the flu and seeing a tranny shit a purple fetus. i went and bought a dub of weed the next day to forget the crap high i had the last on nutmeg. Nutmeg high: possible. Effect: crap. cheers to the assholes who get good highs from it.
  • if you possibly add it to your fav tobacco anythings possible lol
  • it sucks stick to bud!
  • I just finished smoking a large bowl of fresh nutmeg that i ground up myself and yes it defiantly works very well... I feel like I just smoked a big blunt of some dank. I have found my alternative since I am on probation I cant smoke bud so this will work just fine...I used a water pipe that I made myself...that defiantly takes away the harsher taste...don't smoke the stuff that is already ground up just the fresh nuts is best...defiantly trips though but that is okay, I like feelin stoned which I do right now
  • it is fucking amazing i toke one toke on my friends bong and ive been high for 9 years i love it
  • it is fucking amazing i took one toke on my friends bong and ive been high for 9 years. i love it
  • ive tried nutmeg numerous is my most recent expierience... (all times are approxamate) 5:00 pm: i took 5 tbls of nutmeg.....i know i was taking a risk bc previously i only took 3 tbls and got moderately high....but it was EXACTLY the amount i was supposed to take....i weigh 130lbs....i took enough for a 200lb grown man..... 7:00 pm: i realized that my eyes felt dry and i had mild cottonmouth. i didnt feel "high" at all but i did feel lcalmer than usual. 9:00 pm: right now im just relaxed. i dont feel "high" but i am quiet tired. i go and lay down and fall asleep around 9:30ish 1:00 am: I wake up, now feeling quite high and call my girlfriend.....bad idea. I couldnt concentrate at all and my hearing was sharp. i was listening to theory of a dead man and it was louder than i could ever remember. i couild hear things i paid no attention to previously like bass, drums, and backing vocals. Standing up was out of the question. 2:00 am: My high peaked. I could close my eyes and imagine whatever i wanted and i would feel as if i was right there.....i dont remember much besides that. the entire next day i didnt feel like doing much at all...i was calm...relaxed...but not quite tired the NEXT next day i was feeling quite sore, but not much else..... in other words: not only CAN you get high off of nutmeg...but i am currently waiting for another batch of nutmeg to kick in.....
  • I'm smokin it right now so if it kicks in ill holla back unless i get too fucked up and forget.
  • wikipedia is a very unreliable source
  • hell ya that sht was bomb i fucked like three bitches ...but then i found out that they were tranvestites... and the scratches still itch.. but i deff. encourage the continuance of this drug because with out it i wouldnt have had my baby shaniaique prescotchii, williamson
  • I smoked about a tablespoon; felt a little high almost like weed so I thought it's an alright alternative. . . AND THEN I broke out in hives all over my forehead and legs. I've eaten nutmeg before, it makes spinach and kale taste better; I smoked a little bit in the past but I've never had a reaction to it like this before so I definitely didn't expect this even though I heard one of the side effects could be a rash. If you try it anyway and you get these blisters they won't go away on their own. I'm on a six day steroid prescription program. Like with any other drug, be aware of any and all possible side effects and be aware of yourself.
  • I love how people say it does absolutely nothing, when clearly there are side effects when you ingest or smoke it. I wouldn't prefer it over marijuana, but it will hold you off if your town is dry for a few days haha.
  • Ive never tried smoking it either. whoever said they have ate a bunch and smoked a bunch with no effect, was it fresh? That often makes a difference. I in no way doubt ur honesty but this stuff deffinitly has an effect. It is slightyly fluish feeling. I would go with weed over it anyday, but i agree that its a good alternative if your town is dry or watever. It gave me a rapid heart beat(not uncommon) so be careful if you have heart problems. I usually eat 2 1 1/2 Tbs (3 Tbs) of it at about 6 aclock if I plan on stayin up playin video games or sum. I've found that a nice hot shower the next morning helps lessin the symptoms of the left-over-effects/hangover you get from it. Something I would like to know is if the effects are more immediate if you smoke it rather than ingest it... anyone?
  • Why bother
  • i was told by my bf to eat between 1-3 whole nutmegs and wait but i tried eating just one. it was around 10pm and i did not feel anything until the next morning around 9am!! that was just after i ate cereal with chocolate milk. my stomach felt queasy and the high came suddenly. it was definitely not like E, more like weed. i felt lazy, my body felt heavy but relaxed. i went out to the shops for a while, but the naseau built up and when i got back, i gave in. after that i felt better but although the high was less intense, i still felt withdrawn and chilled. i didnt talk much or think much. there was no particular pleasant happy emotions, nor unpleasant ones. i am not sure if it was because i only ate one. by 7pm that evening, i passed out and slept peacefully until the next day. No side effects after that day. I much prefer an E high so it was pretty disappointing. and yes, damn it has a horrible taste!
  • me myself thinks it's stupid i don't do drugs anymore but if i did i damm sure wouldn't do nutmeg i would just go buy me a $5 BAG and take it to the head in a philly blunt,but really just say kno cause none of it is worth it.
  • Ive tried to smoke it sometimes, and I sort of felt a little dizzy thats all. But never really smoked alot since its completely awfull... marijuana is healthy for your lungs in comparement. ;) A better way is to eat it, or shall I say make tea of it. Boil water and just drop about 30g of it, and let it boil for 10 minutes. Tastes like shit, (worse than smoking) but I can reasure you that you will get a stoned feeling. Be prepared to do nothing the next day though.
  • Everyones answers are different. So Im a little hesitant about tryting nutmeg.. But Im going to warm up a cup of water and put three table spoons of nutmeg and some tea together... and I really hope it works..:)
  • have you noticed alomst ALL of the people who answered this Q, are at level 1? And you have 71 answers...
  • Putting three or four table spoons of nutmeg into a cup of tea isnt so bad.. I dont know if anything will happen.. But I just tried it less than 30 seconds ago.. But my tounge is numb.. Thats all I can say.. So what other house hold products get you high...? Ha Im just kidding... But I wasnt when I was searching around in my house for something to get me high.. But I also dont want to harm myself... So Im trying simple tricks that will hopefully work.. :) Anyone who wants to get desperatally high... Dont do anything stupid. :)
  • Im scared...point blank.
  • yeah dude.... i just smoked like two bowls and im blazed, it has the same effects as marijuana only u feel more tired but still get the munchies! i can see myself doing this again, only i want to mix it with wormwood hash and poppy seeds... call it sheeb. haha that'd b cool. sorry, im really high! that proves that SMOKING NUTMEG GETS U HIGH!!!
  • okay fuck nutmeg.. its gross i put it in my lil brothers bong and it made me throw up.. u gotta be desperate and im a pot head but i swear i wont try that shit again.. ill stick to dro
  • According to the results of numerous experiments performed in my kitchen/bedroom, nutmeg whether ingested or inhaled will FUCK YOU UP haha, I found that after ingestion (usually mixed with milk and Ben & Jerry's cinnamon roll ice cream) about 2-3 TABLESPOONS will get you as baked if not more than some top shelf kush, I am still in the beginning stages of my experimentations on inhalation but after 2 bowl fulls I am beginning to fry out a bit more. May I also note, several websites have blown the effects out of proportion and keep in mind the number of propagandists that surround us, I haven't had any LSD like visions but the high is very comparable to that of Marijuana whether eaten or toked. Maybe I haven't nutmegged enough yet...ds
  • Just to add my two-cents worth; I am a very regular weed smoker, to the point where 3 or 4 days without makes me extremely irritable. I don't "recommend" nutmeg as a drug. However, if you don't have a problem with placebo effect (some people don't want to be 'fooled') nutmeg does the trick when smoked. Not a lot of it, I would say 2 or 3 small bowls at the most. It doesn't make you trip out or anything when taken this way (I can't say what ingesting or smoking larger amounts will do) but as I say, if you can't find any weed, nutmeg will help stave off the psychological withdrawl. Be safe at all costs; large amounts of any foreign substance can be dangerous.
  • yo dis shyt is tight niggaz. i be treppin on dis shyt all da time brah. ppl ask meh where i get midope n i say ITZ NUTMEG BITCHEZ . dey like how da hell u do dat shyt bro n i say you can either eat dat shyt n itll mellw yeh out brah or you can smoke it lyk its da chron bonz. ull be trippen ballz bro. flyin high as titz niggaz if u evz see da black man wif dem red eyez trippen ballz DEY ALL KNOW DATS ME HOLLA AT YA BOY - Jermine $ Jonez
  • 2 weeks ago me and my friends didnt have any bud so we all had nutmeg. I ended up smoking 6 bowls and eating two tablespoons. im debating doing it again cuz i tripped so damn hard. it wasnt funny. MY CAR WAS DRIVING IN PLACE!! MY FUCKING BACK YARD HAD HILLS ON IT THAT DIDINT EXIST BEFORE!! my friend ran away and got lost in the woods and almost froze to death so it was fucked up. be smart if you do it.
  • so today was my first time trying it and it was disgusting but now i feel the trip starting to come.its 3:00 now and i did it at 1:30 so it will really start to kick in at about 6:45.but just to let you know that shit was disgusting even though I drank it with milk.Im only 12 and my cousin and i wanted to do something totally legal that would get us high he did two and a half table spoons i only did two an my best advice is the more you take and the more you get high the worse the hangover after.

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