• Not a whole lot. You get cranky after the first two days, and the third day is the hardest... but, after a while, you don't mind so much. Just make sure you drink plenty of water. If you're underweught, these things are a bad idea because then your body starts going to "emergency reserves" (Your fat cells) to keep your body going. If there is no reserve, it starts eating at your protein cells. That's not really good for you. I've gone have gone forty days without food and I came out the other side still functioning well. I've known people to go sixty days without food, still doing okay. So, five days shouldn't kill you.
  • You will eat your self literally!
  • you get weak
  • Your body will eat your muscles. This is NOT good. If you want to loose weight eat plenty of protein and cut down on carbs. And drink water, drink water, drink water.
  • I have gone six days without eating before, and the first 3 days was the hardest. After that it is pretty easy. I did it to kinda reset my mind & body to eat healthier and it worked. I took otc prenatal vitamins so I woulnd be low on energy and cranky. It worked, I lost 12lbs. and now I can cantrol my eating habits better.

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